frozen fingers

Apr 09, 2007 23:26

okami owari!

Total Results
Play time: 36hr. 32min. 27sec.
Days Passed: 50
Saves: 106
Deaths: 0 (Rank A)
Enemites defeated: 443 (Rank B)
Money gained: 2523538 yen (Rank D-probably cuz I didn't do all the sidequests... yet)
Demon fangs found: 9 (Rank E-er, demon fangs?...)
Praise earned: 3179 (Rank C)

overall, i really like the idea of brushwork. wish there were more creative brush strokes (half of them are just using the different elements) and wish they didn't re-use boss fights like they did.

i still can't draw circles. argh. bloom you stupid tree, bloom!

next game to tackle would be twilight princess, but i have no wii... what a dilemna.

random amusement - txt in the newest one piece opening... always interesting to see pop idols animated

why is it still so freaking cold in april...
i need to move =\

watching blue man group tomorrow. should be interesting =D

shout out to chinese yoyo. wish i could be there to see you in texas revue. boo to work and distance. anyway, good luck, and get me a recording to watch!
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