More Insane Adventures of Yours Truly

Nov 04, 2007 21:02

This past Friday marked the official end of our Musculoskeletal Block. We med students like to play as hard as we work so after each block we ALWAYS have a party. Our 2nd block party was organized and held at Proof in the city. After pre-gaming at Laura's, which have some interesting stories in of itself, Jessen drove some of us into the city. We arrive and I gotta say that Proof was huge disappointment. Aside from being small and overcrowded, the bar was completely dark and I had no idea who I was talking to. LAME!! Jessen, Glenn, and I left five minutes later and settled into a diner two blocks away. I miss midnight diner adventures. The party got progressively as more non-Downstate people left the bar but it still rated pretty low on the fun scale. Why is our class completely incompetent of organizing a successful block party?!

This brings me back to another block party story from two weeks ago. After finishing our MS midterm, we partied once again but this time at Tuts. Unfortunately our class was separated since some people went to Tuts and others to Cherry Tree. We arrived so late that I immediately became tired and hungry. In need of sustenance and without any hungry friends, I decided to hit the streets in search of food. We were in the lower east side so I was sure I would find an open pizzeria somewhere. I left the bar and turned right to walk to the corner. As I turned the corner I was immediately met with a stranger. The following is as good a replica of our conversation as possible which took place in the early morning of 10/17.


ST: Can I talk to you for a minute?
AL: (uncomfortable) Uh...OK.
ST: (people walk by and give us looks) Most people just look at me and ignore me. I'm really glad you can help me out. I'm just gonna tell you straight up what's going on.
AL: (in thought) Oh my god, I'm gonna die.
ST: You don't have to be afraid or anything. I'm not gonna rob you or anything.
(I try to get around him but he keeps blocking my way)
AL: OK. (in thought) Oh my god, I'm gonna get robbed.
ST: You don't have to be scared. I'm not a dealer or anything. I mean a few years ago I went to jail for mugging...
AL: (in thought) Oh my god, I'm gonna get mugged! That's it I'm going to get mugged!
ST: ...but I've changed. I just want to know if you could help me. I'm not gay or anything. It's OK if you are.
AL: (nervously) Alright.
ST: You don't have to be scared.
AL: (lying) I'm not scared.
ST: I was wondering if you could give me some money so I could score some coke or crack, maybe find a hooker or two and get a blowjob....
AL: Yeah, I don't think I can help you out.
ST: C'mon. Don't be like that. You don't have to do that.
AL: (losing all composure) No. I'm sorry. I don't think so.
(I begin to move forward as a pedestrian walks by. He's distracted and I move off).
AL: (I enter the pizzeria I was looking for. I mumble to myself) What just happened?!

This concludes yet another bizarre story that only be found with yours truly. G'nite kids!!
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