Apr 22, 2005 03:09
i've been thinking about death a lot lately....don't worry people, not it the "i want to die" kind of way....just more of the "i wonder what its all about" kind of way.
i guess its this whole mitch thing. god rest his soul.
that's what really trips me up, because people say that your soul lives on after you die....heaven or hell...i don't know.
a person naturally fears what it doesn't know. death is unknown...its not like someone is coming back and goin "maaaan....so this is what's up...". nope, we're just left to wonder...what if the soul isn't real? what if that's just some myth...some people say that when we die...its just the beginning of a whole different segment of your life. i just think people say that because we are ignorant to the idea that we aren't immortal. gives you hope i guess. i don't think there is much of an after life though...because well then there would have to be some kind of death in that world too....or we would have some MAJOR over population...
its three in the morning...and i should be sleeping, but my friggin' head is warped...this to me...is like thinking about the dinosaurs (another foggy human interpretation that blows my mind).
i'm a girl for facts...not so much theories, and when it comes to death we have no facts beyond that you are no longer physically with the life you once knew....
i need rest.