(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 16:44

:x: name = Roman
:x: piercings = 0
:x: tattoos = maybe
:x: height= 5'11"
:x: shoe size = 10.5
:x: hair color = brown
:x: siblings = Amanda

:x: movie you rented = Se7en
:x: movie you bought = The Incredibles
:x: song you listened to = Carly Simon - You're So Vain
:x: song that was stuck in your head = Atmosphere - Guns and cigarettes
:x: CD you listened to = VGS - Band Geek Mafia
:x: person you've called = Amanda
:x: person that's called you = Laura
:x: tv show you've watched = SunRise news...channel 10
:x: person you were thinking of = Eric Osei, damn he's fast.

:x: you have a crush on someone = yes.
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = it'd be a tough call, between here and anywhere warmer
:x: others find you attractive = i don't really understand the question, skip
:x: you want more piercings = meh
:x: you like cleaning = I like being organized. cleaning is hard, but necessary
:x: you like roller coasters = yes. the false sensation of decreased gravitational pulling is exhilerating
:x: you write in cursive or print = small cursive

:x: long distance relationships = against
:x: using someone = depends
:x: killing people = against, unless self-defense
:x: teenage smoking = against
:x: driving drunk = against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = go get 'em tiger
:x: soap operas = ignorant

:x: ever cried over a boy = no
:x: ever cried over a girl = yes
:x: ever lied to someone = yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = yes
:x: ever been arrested = no

:x: shampoo do you use = anything made from kangaroos and tested on dolphins. you know you only care cuz they're the cute ones
:x: shoes do you wear = My ADIDAS!
:x: are you scared of = heights

:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = enough to keep me alive
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = quite a many because of sports
:x: of scars on my body? = quite a many. the biggies on the head. a few on the knees, shins, fore-arms
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = a few. thanks amnesia

:x: pretty/handsome - i'm betting not. i don't have a cult of women yet, and looks only go downhill from here
:x: funny - to some. apparantly not to Nicole Johnson, but who cares. she's a ho
:x: friendly - to my friends
:x: amusing - when i'm in a good mood
:x: ugly - that's harsh, and no
:x: loveable - like a good friend
:x: caring - yea
:x: sweet - sure
:x: dorky - once in a while

actor/actress: Sean Connery. i don't pay attention otherwise
Cereal: honey nut cheerios right now
Chewing gum: zebra stripes
Color(s): green
Color nail polish: i like them polacks
Day of week: c'mon, they're all the same
Least fave day: any day where i know there's a concert going on that i'm missing
Flower: non-overpowering ones
Jello flavor: pudding is better
Jewelry: giant clocks
Summer/Winter: summer
Trampolines or swimming pools - trampolines in swimming pool

Said "I love you" and meant it?:
Gone out in public in your pajamas: sure
Kept a secret from everyone: yes
Cried during a movie: yeah
Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff: it was a gift from the family
Been to New York: yes
Been to California: no
Hawaii: no
China: where's China?
Canada: no, eh
Europe: no
Asia: if i wasn't in china, chances are that i wasn't in asia
South America: no
Australia: no
Wished you were the opposite sex: no
What time is it now?: 4:35 Pm
Apples or bananas?: apples
Blue or red?: red
Walmart or Target?: target
Spring or Fall?: have I ever sprung or fallen? why, yes I have
What was the last meal you ate?: delicious Turkey sandwich and pudding
High school or college?: can't wait for college
Are you bored?: naw, chillaxin'
Last noise you hear: that song i put at the top
Last smell you sniffed?: pavement
Last time you went out of state/province?: yesterday
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