(no subject)

Jan 08, 2005 13:32

My music for the URI honors band came today. 1st part baby! I have no idea how i pulled that one off, but now that i have it, i'll be damned if someone else tries to take it from me. The band is composed of all high school kids in the area for a 2 day band camp type deal with a concert at the end. I'll be sleeping and eating at my sister's rented house just off-campus.
other than music, everything else is just busy. homework and projects just blur together because it's so fast. mid-terms are coming up, and i don't understnad a bunch of stuff. at least my midterms are getting paired nicely.
. history and economics. history is the hard part. econ is easy
. calculus and gym. too bad i don't get gym first to study in
. URI writing and Band. i'm not sure if there are midterms for either.
. French. No midterm.
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