To touch base with the other face, and other pointless rhymes

May 20, 2005 02:23

Dear Livejournal,
It's been some time, and some stuff has happened. Blo well, I say.
Guess who can now play Music A from Tetris, thier name rhymes with Boel Bearles. Well, while others recieved training to be ninja teens I performed at another open mic night, much to the indifference of the crowd. I guess VG music has lost its popular appeal. I suppose I should stop going, but maybe ben and I will still do the band thing from time to time. If we both can ever get around to actually bothering to learn our songs/music. Yes, everday really is a hurricane.
Mrow is what I say as a smuggle out a Nintendo power from the design lab. Just as I finish hanging out with my pupeteering group, whom I will miss entirley more than what perhaps most would consider appropriate. How sad it is, all of us with our own relationship woes, everyone but John. He hasn't got the stigma of being ignored by his heart's desire, nor the embarassment of an entire cult devoted to his dating someone who mutually has no interest in dating. But I regress, perhaps into a salimander. I would like to think that my ancient ancestors were geckoish cool.
Well my sister is getting married tommorow, and I'm going. Well, we used to take baths together and now she's grown up. I wonder when she'll be in a retirement home and I only see her on christmas? Will I ever see her after I graduate? I just thought about it, I don't know, and I'm chaning the subject.
Working at the phonathon is certainly an interesting expierience. Quite the interesting workplace, and much to my surprise, I have a feeling an indelible mark on my personality will be made, not unlike the seemingly indelible stain on this monitor which is driving me insane.
This isn't going well, not as well as I thought, ummm, I forgot what I was typing. So, I've decided to ask a random question, and if thou wishes to post on my entry than thou must answer me this question one. Okay, Why are you at evergreen?
By the by I just wanted to add I am going to miss Evergreen so much when I go, I am leaving for a weekend and I feel sad already. Okay, go ahead gang, discuss. Or don't, if you don't feel like it, you know, whatever.
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