Wonderful things

Jun 20, 2004 00:43

The world is FULL of wonderful things. It's true indeed, and live journal is a world unto itself. While the things in livejournal may be less concrete than things in another world, but its can be very pretty.
Firstly, everybody has a userinfo sheet, and I browse those of my friends for fun from time to time. The great thing, that i fear few have taken note of, is the title of each persons journal. We each carefully describe the contents of our journals, make clever little synopsises for our whole library of emotions, thoughts, and hours of our free time; and for what? For nobody to read them, say anything about them, or even appreciate that we bothered to descirbe ourselves in such constricted terms as two meaningful lines. James, has changed his, once it was something like "welcome to my eye" but now his reads "A tale told by an idiot" and under it, inwhat I always percieved as whispered there after: "signifying..." James doesn't have a low self esteem, I think the title is homageto humility and the author, and thier irrevicable need for each other. Brittany's reads "The Language of the Present Moment", in this case, a perfect representation. You see brittany is a complete English buff, she dreams of grading essays and being shakespeare's lover. Whats more she stresses the languages dynamic nature of change, and hence she is writing in the parlance of our times. As for nathan, "Reflections of the Blind Bard" seems to him to wrap up his journal. And in whispered tone, he remarks "through the eyes of the piper..." Apparently nate, you shall be homers envoy and interpreter, which I hope you are. Maybe nate wishes to bring us some old world and classicl wisdom we have over looked in our era of technology and moral change. Tyler is an interesting fellow, a very mixed bag, romantic and dreamery. I see him wearing rose colored glasses, but sometimes with teenage cynicsm in proper proportions. His title seems appropo, "Life is silly, sometimes." Here here Tyler, your words ring true indeed. And as a nice refining touch he adds in whispered voice "Or then again maybe it's not." The uncertainty that embodies tyler is present once again. Tyler is the X-factor, the element of the unkown, the Surprise in Kindersurprise. However tyler, some things aren't meant to be surprises, so please, we urge you to list thine name. If we take courtley, we find that "Slowly I Try Taking Thanatos' Glory" embodies her journal. Albeit more ausetere than most, it remains a fair representation of her entries, or some of them. "but i don't think i'll ever win..." seems to complete the represnetation with mirror like accuracy, a sad struggle that she is sure she will fail. Don't worry courtley, I wouldn't want thantos' glory, take somebody important, like melf's, or mordenkainens', or otiluke's. Me, I picked "Words for the Disenchanted Living" and whispered as though the winds themseleves carried it "I don't know what I'm talking about" Interpret as you will, I hope this entry wasn't too boring.
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