Look at all that I am learning

Jul 15, 2005 10:11

Dear Livejournal,
I've taken to randomly deleting entries from your archive, as it is the closest thing I can do to ripping out pages. I do this because it doesn't really matter, and so it's empowering to do random things to you.

You might have noticed from the title that I have been learning things. Well, I'll tell you what I learned. I learned first that randomly reading whatever book looks wierd and random will secretly teach me the meaning of life, or so says an old geoduck. I will have to try it. Second, I learned that Master of Orion 2 was MEANT to be a saturday morning cartoon show. Why oh why did we get battletech instead? Third, I learned that the liberal 'leftist' movement and muslim extremists are allies against christianity, judaism, capitalism, america, and western civilization. It's true, I saw it on 700 hundred club. Turns out leftists are demented hateful people who fear big corporations, rejoiced when the world trade center was destroyed, and ofcorse, want to form a secret alliance to undermine all the afore mentioned foes. I never knew that the reason I opposed warfare, widening gaps between the rich and the impoverished, oil mongering, abuse of one's political powers, and lying to millions of people,, but now I know it's because I hate america. Well, I'm frankly tired of learning what else is an enemy of america. It seems the country has no allies anywhere, and it's apparently not satisfying anyone with how much its fighting any of its enemies. Guess that bloodlust just isn't sated yet. On the plus side, I have three days to learn how to program jabbascript (huttesse).

Live Joel,
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