A Love Square? [3/?]

Apr 17, 2011 18:54

Title: A Love Square?
Author: Aina ( funny4ains )
Genre: Romance; Friendship, Fluff
Rating: R15 to be sure cause of BoyxBoy
Pairing: TakaYama, Yamajima, TakaNoo, TakaNooBu (friendship)
Disclaimer: I obviously don't own any of the JUMP boys in the real world (but in my world, they're all mine! >:) Hahaha)
Summary: Yamada Ryosuke is a normal freshmen in a new school. Together with his popular bestfriend Yuto, they meet the three most popular kids in school, Inoo Kei, Yabu Kota and Takaki Yuya, the leader.
Author's Note: Chapter 3. Wow. But this is a pretty short chapter just like Chapter 2. It's Takaki's POV kind of. HAHAHA. I just had to put their 3 POVs so that there's a background story. Sorry if it's so short. :( But I like this chapter a lot. hahaa i hope you like it too! Btw, the title for this chapter is lamer than chapter's 1 and 2.... I didn't know what to name it at all! It can't be his first day either so.. FORGIVE MEEE XPPP

*Edit* I made a fail banner!

Chapter 3 . A Peak Of Takaki Yuya's Feelings

3 weeks had gone by, and Yamada and Yuto are slowly getting used to the school. Yuto was getting popular in class. During the first 2 weeks, 7 girls have confessed to him already, which didn’t shock Yamada at all. Back in middle school too, he at least had 1 girl confess to him every week. He can’t blame the girls. Yuto didn’t just have the looks; he was also friendly and had an aura that made you feel like you’ve known him your whole life. Sadly for them, Yuto wasn’t interested. He rejected them all politely.

The both of them had made a new friend, namely Chinen who’s a cute, hyper and friendly boy. Yamada’s happy ‘cause Chinen’s friends with him because he’s himself. Plus, the boy always made him feel like they’re brothers.

They always eat together during lunch. Though many people ask Yuto to eat with them (often girls), he refuses them politely and never missed a lunch without the two.

It was after class, Yamada and Yuto were about to go home. They said their goodbyes and are about to walk to the bus station.

Takaki was also going home already and decided to finally talk to Yamada. There was something in him that wanted to get closer to the boy.  It’s been 3 weeks and he always notices himself staring at the kid from a distance. “I’m being a stalker again” he sighs whenever he catches himself looking secretly.

He went out of his classroom and saw Yamada with his tall friend. He sighed and just stared. He got kind of disappointed to see him with that guy again. He didn’t know why though.

“Kota, what do you know about Yamada Ryosuke?” He called in the classroom where Kota and Inoo were fixing their things.

“Hmm. Not much. He’s a new student in 1st year, an honor student, has the most number of borrowed books in the library and… oh yeah, he’s tight TIGHT bestfriends with the most popular boy in 1st year, Yuto Nakajima.”

“Yuto Nakajima? Why are they close?”

“I’m not sure. I heard they were classmates since way back and there are even rumors that they’re together. No proof though ‘cause no one knows if Yuto’s gay or not.”

“Ehhh?! Ohh. Okay. Thanks”

“Why are you asking?”

“Nothing really. Out of curiousity”


During the first day of 2nd year, Takaki was riding a bus to go to school. He was looking for a seat when he saw a cute boy sleeping. He just stared at the boy from afar for no reason. He felt drawn to him. He saw the boy wake up and yawn cutely. He laughed at this but then whacked himself at once. Why are you giggling Yuya? He thought then he saw the boy stand up and ask an old lady to sit in his place. Wow, he’s so nice.

Standing up, he noticed the boy had the same uniform as him but he was sure that he never saw him before. Then the bus stopped and the boy went down. He noticed that this was his stop too so he went down, meters away from the boy. I almost missed my stop! He thought, relieved.

When he reached school, many people had greeted him though his eyes were still glued to the boy. He couldn’t take his eyes off him, he didn’t even know why. The boy was still alone and he decided to talk to him.

“Are you alone?” He asked the boy and smiled.

“Ah yes…” He noticed the boy look down and saw his face more clearly. He noticed that his eyes were big and round, and his nose was pointy and defined. He was beautiful. His heart skipped a beat.

“Do you want me to accompany you?...ah how rude of me. I’m Takaki Yuya, 2nd year.” He still kept his cool because he didn’t wanna look silly in front of the guy.

"Ah sempai! I'm Yamada Ryosuke. 1st year new student." The boy bowed.

"Ohh wow. Well I hope you have a good time in our school! So do you want me to accompany you?" He was correct. He never saw him before so he should definitely be a 1st year student.

"Goodmorning Takaki-sama!" "Oi Takaki!" "hi Takaki-kun!" Students all over the campus greeted him and this annoyed him a bit because it’s making him lose time with the boy.

"Hi guys" Takaki said quickly, smiled, and looked back to Yamada.

"No need sempai. I'm waiting for my friend anyways so. Thank you for the offer" Takaki got a little disappointed because he refused his offer, he hesitated but he couldn’t do anything so…

"Oh… okay then, I'll see you around!" He smiled lastly and looked back to hide his disappointment, failing to see Yamada’s bow and tinted cheeks.

He hid in the corner and saw that Yamada was now with a tall guy who was, he’d hate to admit it but, good looking... well not as good looking as him though. “Who’s that? His boyfriend? No, I don’t even know if he’s gay or not. What am I thinking?” Takaki thought to himself as he watched the two hug. They seem really close and Takaki longed to be in the taller guy’s position. “So he’s close with that guy huh?” as he watched them running, the taller chasing the shorter. “Oi Takaki, let’s go to class!” Yabu and Inoo, his bestfriends dragged him to the classroom.


I hope this is fine. I know I post it so slow but it's for me to write the other chapters in advance. :DDD I get so much writer's block. :| HAHAHA please comment if you read to make me feel awesome. (HAHAHAH I'm very full of myself, i'm just not showing it in LJ. HAHAHA)

hey! say! jump: yamada ryosuke, hey! say! jump: chinen yuuri, hey! say! jump: inoo kei, hey! say! jump: takaki yuya, fangirling: fanfiction, hey! say! jump: yabu kota

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