I Like It Rough

Nov 13, 2011 22:25

Title: I Like It Rough [One Shot]
Author: Aina (funny4ains) and Paurene (pauweepaupau)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: TakaYama (Takaki x Yamada)
Disclaimer: WHATEVER. THE LAW MAY NOT PERMIT IT BUT I DO OWN THEM!!! /cries in corner
Summary: Takaki was just too hot that day and Yamada wanted it, but Takaki was just too tired. What will happen to the frustrated Yamada?
A/N: WEEEEE~ HEY GUYSSSSS! As you all may have already known (or maybe we're too insignifigant in your lives for you guys to notice) but my cousin and I are making One Shots of TakaYama. :P
As you all know, I haven't done any smut writing, first cause it's awkwards, and 2nd i feel weird and lazy =)) so with my cousin's help, we have created one shots with awesome ideas and smut. =)) YAAY FOR PAU! =)) we thought of the ideas together, and because I have classes right now, my cousin's the one starting the fics then I add and edit/beta it. :)

I hope you guys will like it cause it was really fun thinking of these ideas.

btw, this was the first ever fic we thought of. And man, we were very excited about this. :)
and me and my cousin will be alternating on posting the fics to share the credits. :)

Here's the first fic posted:
What a childhood crush can do

and another btw, if you're reading this right now. YOU ARE AWESOME. :)

I like it rough!

“Bye guys! See you tomorrow!” Yamada waved goodbye to his work mates at the studio. It was 5:00pm, their work ended pretty much earlier than the usual, but he decided to go home already to edit the photos he has taken that day. Yamada Ryosuke is a photographer in a modeling agency. He loves taking pictures of anything that inspires him or catches his attention.

“I wonder if Yuya’s done with his photo shoot…” he took his phone from his pocket and messaged Takaki.

“Hey! My work finished earlier than expected today… How about you? I miss youuuu! Heehee I love you Yuya! ^^ ~Ryosuke”

Yamada sends his message with a smile on his lips. His boyfriend Takaki Yuya is a model.

He opened the door to his apartment and placed his bags down when he received a message from his boyfriend.

“Hey, mine too. I’m on my way home right now. I miss you too! ^^ I love you too Ryosuke ~Yuya”

“Yey! Heehee.”  Yamada can’t help but smile.

He turned on his laptop to edit the pictures from his work. “Tadaima!” Yuya arrived and dropped his things on the floor. “Yuyaaa!” Yamada flung his self over to Takaki. “Hello! How’s work?”

“Work’s very tiring… and I’m so drained, but good thing tomorrow is my free day” Takaki looked very tired but still managed to look hot.

Yamada noticed that Takaki still had his eyeliner on from his photo shoot which made him look even hotter. “Wow, you look good with eyeliner Yuya.” Yamada stared.

“Ah, really? I forgot to remove it.” Takaki kissed him on the nose then lounged over the sofa and turned the TV on.

Yamada was still staring at his boyfriend “Oh, Yuya you are so hot… there’s something about you today that added to your hotness, you’re emitting lots of pheromones …maybe we could… but he’s tired, maybe if I flirted….” Yamada thought, biting his lower lip and green aura suddenly filled him.

“Ahh… It’s so hot! Aren’t you feeling hot? Is the aircon broken?” Yamada flirted and removed his shirt, looking at Takaki who seemed not to get what Yamada really wants.

“Um, nope, it’s working. I think it’s still adjusting” Takaki looked at Yamada and back to the TV. Yamada rolled his eyes, annoyed at the fact that Takaki is not paying attention. He tried a second time and approached him to sit on his lap. “Yuya…I love you” Yamada kissed him on his lips, and then slowly moved to his neck. “Ryosuke… I love you too, but… maybe tomorrow? I’m too tired for this.” Takaki said softly, kissing Yamada’s cheeks, then gently removed Yamada’s arms around him. “Oh… okay, I’m sorry.” Yamada stood up.

He sat down and worked on his photos, still determined to get what he wants, still half naked and still hoping Takaki would be turned on. He opened the photos of his model that day; fortunately it was his ex-boyfriend Nakajima Yuto. “Hmm, let’s see if you still don’t react to this.” Yamada had a sly smile over his face right now.

“Wow, Yuto’s photos are amazing.” Yamada commented, looking over his peripheral vision to see Takaki’s reaction.

“Huh? Who’s that?” Takaki peeked on Yamada’s laptop to see. “Yuto my ex-boyfriend. Remember him? He was my model today and I must say he looks hot on these photos. I’m impressed”

Hearing the word ex, Takaki approached the laptop to get a closer look. “Tsss, seriously Ryosuke? This is hot for you?” Takaki rolled his eyes and returned to the sofa to continue watching but it looks like he’s not paying that much attention to the T.V anymore because of what happened, seeing him thinking. Yamada chuckled silently at this and continued commenting on Yuto’s “sexy” photos.

“Wow, just look at his eye in here…And his body got a lot more toned than before. I just love how he posed today, so professional and hot.” Yamada continued to praise and compliment Yuto’s pictures. “Hmmm, why did we break-up again?” Yamada said, pretending to be in deep thought.
As Takaki heard that line, he threw the remote control away. “That’s it!”
Before Yamada realized what Takaki was doing, he was already being dragged and was being kissed aggressively at the same time. Takaki threw him on the bed harshly and took off his shirt and pants. Yamada was shocked with Takaki’s reaction. He knew Takaki would get jealous but he didn’t know he would be THIS jealous. Takaki continued kissing him, digging in Yamada’s mouth, exploring inside with his skillful tongue and grabbed Yamada’s crotch, caressing it. “Yuya- no wai- aahh” Yamada muffled between Takaki’s aggressive kisses. Without breaking their intense kiss, Takaki removed Yamada’s pants, exposing his turned on member. Takaki then removed his boxers and exposed his hardened member too. He entered almost half of it inside Yamada when Yamada screamed. “Itai! Itai! Itaii!! Waiittt!!” Yamada was pushing Takaki away. Takaki stopped and looked at him.

“You want me to stop?” Takaki panted. Yamada looked into Takaki’s lustful eyes. “Baka! Of course not! Can you at least apply some lube on that? Just continue what you’re doing, don’t hold back and make it rough okay?” Yamada bit his lower lip. Takaki smiled slyly and reached for the lube on top of their side table near the bed and applied some. “I won’t hold back, I promise.” Takaki positioned Yamada’s legs up and Takaki kneeling and without any notice he entered Yamada. “Aaaaahhh!!” Yamada screamed on the top of his lungs. “Arghh! You’re so tight!” He let it rest for like 5 seconds to adjust then he started pounding him, at first slowly but eventually his pace moved faster. Takaki was shoving in with full force, groaning with every thrust, his member sliding in and out.

The pain that Yamada was feeling a while ago was now completely overpowered with pleasure. He held on the bed sheets for support. Takaki was holding Yamada’s leg to make his thrusts deeper.

“Yuya, a little more… faster! Arggh! More!!” Takaki thrusted faster “Arggghh!!” Takaki groaned as he made his pace faster.

Yamada stroked his hard member as Takaki pounds him, for added pleasure. “Yuya!! I’m gonna cum! Uhh-Uuuhh-Uhhhh!” Takaki repeatedly hits Yamada’s spot, not stopping until it’s his turn. Yamada’s eyes rolled back because of the intense pleasure, his seed flowing over his stomach. “Uhhh! Almost there!” Takaki groaned. “Uhhh! Fuuu… uhhhhhhhhh!” Takaki released everything inside Yamada, some of Takaki’s seed flowed out of Yamada’s entrance. “I’m sorry I released it inside you.” Takaki panted. “It’s alright, it felt good.” Takaki placed Yamada’s legs down and licked Yamada’s excess seeds over his stomach. He went on top of Yamada, placing his weight over his arms and gave Yamada a sweet kiss on the lips, making the younger taste himself.

“I’m sorry, for making those comments on my ex. I just miss you and you look extremely hot today. I just really wanted to have sex with you today.” Yamada caressed Takaki’s face. “Don’t do it again okay? Just continue seducing me, you know I can’t resist you Ryosuke.” Takaki said, grinning.

“But you turned me down!” Yamada pouted.

“And you surrendered easily! Tsk tsk.” Takaki pinched Yamada’s cheeks. “Ow! Hmm okay, next time I know what to do.”

Resting on the bed, both with even breathing now, Takaki faced Yamada. “So, you like it rough huh?” Takaki smiled. “Yeah, I like it rough” Yamada bit his lower lip and blushed, Takaki went in for another kiss.


hey! say! jump: yamada ryosuke, hey! say! jump: takaki yuya, fangirling: fanfiction, fangirling: takayama otp

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