My Devil Cupid BY aouichikyoko

Jul 19, 2011 20:56

Title: My Devil Cupid
Author: Kyoko - aouichikyoko 
Genre: Romance, School Life, Fluff
Pairing: TakaYama (Takaki x Yamada), YamaJima (Yamada x Nakajima)
Rating: PG-13
Summary : Yamada Ryosuke has a crush on Nakajima Yuto. In order to make him fall for him, he climbs up a tree to try to touch the "legendary mark" found in their school which in legend, says that whoever touches it, his love will love him/her back. Though, instead of touching the mark, he falls from the tree into Takaki Yuya's arms. He tells him "leave yuto to me" and becomes his devilish cupid...
A/N: Okay, this should be called poster's note because i'm not the author of this story! HAHAHA. It's all aouichikyoko  . I just beta-d it? Is that how you call it? I just fixed the grammar and story-ish. But it's all her. :) So comments here, should be addressed to HER! :D

According to school legend , if you say the name of the person you like , and touch the school emblem, your true love will come true.
Yamada Ryosuke is a seventeen year old boy who has a crush on his classmate, Nakajima Yuto. To make him fall in love with him he climbed the highest tree in school to touch their legendary school emblem.
"Ah just a little bit more..." Yamada said as he tried to reach the emblem.
‘I’m thinking about him, my kind and cool classmate.’ He thought to himself. "Nakajima-kun..." he said before he falls from the tree branch into someone's arms
‘HUH ..He is Takaki-kun.’ Yamada thought, surprised, as he saw the person who caught him.
He is the guy who’s always with Nakajima-kun but they're complete opposite: Takaki Yuya is a scary person with an ore-sama type of attitude.
*ore-sama: someone who thinks he is better than everyone*
"Th-Thank you." The younger boy said
"You are Yamada Ryosuke right?" The older boy confirmed.
"So you like yuto-kun huh?" He said with a smirk on his face.
‘YABAII....HE HEARD ME’ Yamada thought, panicking.
"A smart-looking boy like you believed in that trashy legend and even climbed a tree because of it." Takaki teased.
"Dont worry about it, I'll be your GO-BETWEEN"
" will?" Yamada asked happily. He didn't expect what the other had just told him.
"Yeah.” was Takaki’s answer.
‘Well if he really is serious, then this is the first time I’ll have a great ally!’ Yamada thought as he looked at Takaki's back leaving.
"But what about.......?” Yamada called out to him unsurely.
"Don't worry. Just leave it to me." Takaki said, still walking away.
"Takaki-kun is a better person than a thought." Yamada concluded.
"Looks like I’ve gotten myself a new past time." The older boy thought to himself.

The next day at the rooftop, during lunch break, Takaki, Yamada and Yuto were together eating the bento that Yamada had made for the three of them.
‘SO TAKAKI-KUN REALY DID BECOME A GO-BELWEEN FOR ME!’ Yamada said to himself in disbelief.
So that day, Nakajima-kun, Takaki-kun and I went to the rooftop of our school during lunch time. I felt my heart beating really fast cause Nakajima-kun was actually talking to me and eating the bento that I made for him!
"Takaki-kun, you’re with Yamada-kun today right?" Yuto said to Takaki, smiling
"Yeah he switched day duty with me tomorrow, so I should at least treat him to lunch right?"
Yamada just nodded, his heart skipping a beat cause he couldn't believe he is actually eating lunch with his crush ‘i can't belive nakajima-kun is this close to me’ He though, blushing hard.
“Okay guys, I'm a bit tired so I guess I'll just sleep for a while before our next class." Yuto said to the two before falling asleep. He was really tired because he is a hardworking person. Plus, he is the class president so he is doing most of the work for the students. Him sleeping left Takaki and Yamada to talk alone.
“Arigato Takaki-kun! You arranged it well." Said the happy Yamada.
"It's nothing really…" Takaki said, getting closer to Yamada.
“You should pay with your body though." The older boy said with an evil look on his face.
The poor Yamada was shocked. He didn’t think Takaki would just attack him there and even kissed him on the lip, touching him everywhere.
The younger boy, furious, was pushing him away.
"No!...what are you-" Yamada said but was cut off with Takaki putting his finger on Yamada's mouth
"It's okay right? Or would you like him to wake up? If he sees this I don't think I have the confidence to make a good excuse "Takaki said and leaned in for another kiss well, a deeper one at that.
‘OH NO .. WHAT IS THIS?! FOR THIS SORT OF THING TO HAPPEN?! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE ..YET SOMEHOW STRANGE…’ Yamada was thinking so hard he couldn't believe that he was responding, and he was getting this strange feeling.
"You did well." Takaki smirked at Yamada, licking his lips with pleasure. "If you’re a good boy, I'll make this opportunity happen again."
‘OH NO THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!’ Yamada was so surprised.
‘EVEN WITH NAKAJIMA-KUN SO CLOSE ...HOW COULD HE?!! THIS PERSON IS A DEVIL! I'll tell him I refuse to have him continue being my go-between!’
After lunch break, the three of them went down stairs. On their way, Takaki asked Yuto to bring him his favorite cappuccino from vending machine just in the school hall. The meanwhile both Takaki and Yamada headed to their classroom to wait for the other boy.
"Ummm...Takaki-kun...I-" Yamada was about to tell Takaki how he doesn’t want him to be his go-between anymore but was cut off when Yuto entered the classroom.
“I'm back! They had a black coffee…huh Yamada-kun… Did I interrupt something?" The tall boy asked, holding his cup of coffee.
"So what's your business with this guy?" he continued, pointing at Takaki.
"Eh ...etto ..." was Yamada's only answer.
"For the next chemistry class, we're partners right yuto? Well I'm skipping and Yamada's partner is absent so would you guys group up?" Takaki said, saving the growingly intense atmosphere.
“Skipping again Bakaki? Tss, I'll deal with you later.” Yuto exclaimed.
‘WAIT! … HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE MY GO-BETWEEN ANYMORE!’ Yamada wondered about Takaki’s action.
"Nakajima-kun ? Our homeroom teacher needs to talk to you. He’s waiting for you in the teacher’s office." A classmate told Yuto making Yuto leave the classroom but before that, Yuto handed the cup of coffee to Yamada who was totally happy.
“It seems like it's going to take a while here you go. I look forward to our next chemistry class. See you!" Yuto smiled at Yamada who was busy thinking about indirect kiss if he drinks the coffee (Because Yuto already drank half of the coffee on his hand) and he totally forgot about refusing Takaki's help as a his go-between. Yamada just kept looking at the coffee cup on his hands.
"if you’re not going to drink that, give it to me." Takaki said, waking him from his daydream. He refused to give him the coffee and accidentally spilt the coffee on Takaki’s shirt. The atmosphere became tensed and Yamada was scared as hell
‘OMG !!! I'M A DEAD MEAT FOR SURE NOW’ Yamada thought.
Takaki looked really angrily as he suddenly y screamed " “baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaka!!! What were you thinking?!" The older boy exclaimed madly.
"I’m so-sorry..I'll wash it quick so take off your shirt. I'll wash it for you." The younger boy said with his voice shaking.

He was so scared that he couldn't even look at takaki. After he washed the shirt, he hanged it on a tree to dry
“When do you think it'll dry?" Takaki said crossing his hands on his chest.
"I-i'm sorry!! What happened was kind of crazy so i had to wash it.” Yamada tries to explain his reasons to Takaki.
"So was it washable...You idiot boy?" Takaki said smiling at Yamada.
The younger boy couldn't believe what was happening cause it's the first time Takaki actually smiled at him. It was making his heart beats beat so hard that he felt dizzy.
"If you touch the symbol then you will have love...why did you beleive in that stupid legend? You really are stupid because you're so easily tricked." Takaki managed to tell Yamada what he was thinking cause he actually doesn’t believe in such things like magic or legends or ghosts.
“It's not stupid…” Yamada said.
He felt a breeze and suddenly got worried about Takaki.
“Oh no it’s cold. I’m sorry! Do you need your shirt?” Yamada said.
"That's not necessary. You're enough to warm me up." Takaki smirked at Yamada who's heart just skiped a beat, going doki doki.
‘THOSE KINDS OF THINGS AGAIN!...BUT IT'S MY FAULT THIS IS HAPPENING AGAIN… CAUSE HE’S MY GO-BETWEEN..." Yamada's thoughts were cut after the school bell rang
"Huh...the first bell" the younger boy said.
"It's fine just go." Takaki said "but..." Yamada was surprised because of Takaki's kindness.
"Nakajima-kun is waiting right?" Takaki managed to say when he suddenly sneezed.
Yamada felt guilty and without a second thought, he immediately hugged Takaki to warm him up. He was blushing like a tomato and breathing hard with Takaki in the same position. Takaki was also shocked about Yamada’s action. He blushed as well and felt some strange feeling getting into him.
"I can't leave you alone. It'll be my fault if you catch a cold. That’ll be a problem."
A tear dropped from Yamada's cheek, still hugging Takaki, the other boy felt Yamada's tears on him so he hugged him back, giving a gentle kiss on his hair.
“You really are an idiot boy…" Takaki couldn't help but smile.

The next day was rainy. The rain dropped heavily while both Takaki and Yuto were talking in the dressing room, changing into their casual clothes.
"Takaki-kun!!! I’m going the see Keito tonight so let’s just play our battle tomorrow okay?" Yuto tells Takaki.
"You and that boy really get along well don't you?" Takaki teased Yuto making the younger boy blush hard like a tomato.
"You love him that much?" he asked the younger boy again and recieved a nod as an answer before Yamada steps in, though he but didn't hear their conversation.
"Hi Takaki-kun, Nakajima-kun." Yamada greeted the 2 other boys.
"Hi Yamada-kun, you’re here to see Yuya?" Yuto teased Yamada.
“By the way, speaking of getting along with someone, it seems like the two of you have been getting closer recently right?" Yuto grins as the two of them blushed.
Yamada was too shocked and didn't believe his ears at all.
“Well..." He tries to speak when suddenly Takaki exclaimed "It's not like that... What are you saying about me and this stumpy person?"
Yamada felt his heart ache after hearing what Takaki just said to Yuto. He was sad, he felt horrible and wanted to die right at that moment.
"Ah yeah right… See you." Yuto leaves, giggling, leaving both Yamada and Takaki alone in the dressing room.

‘HUH? WHAT'S WITH THIS PAIN IN MY CHEST?’ Yamada thought, thinking about what Takaki had said earlier. *It's not like that... What are you saying about me and this stumpy person?*
Takaki tapped Yamada's shoulder, getting him out of his reverie.
"What the... Just because Yuto said he's going home early, you got all disappointed."
Yamada looked at Takaki, feeling awkward. He didn’t know what to say.
"That-that's not... But it seems kind of sudden. Did he have something to do?" Yamada asked Takaki.
"Uhhh...he-he's going to the… Library" Takaki lied to Yamada. he couldn't tell him that Yuto left early because he has a date with Keito.
"Oh I see. That seems like Nakajima-kun." Yamada forced a smile as Takaki looked away so that Yamada wouldn’t to see his expression. Both boys were walking pass the school halls to leave. It was already raining and Yamada didn’t bring his umbrella.
"Well I'm walking so…" Yamada said leaving the other boy behind. Takaki grabbed Yamada's arm to put him under his umbrella to protect him from the rain.
"Baka!! What are you doing without an umbrella? Idiots never change." Takaki shouted at Yamada.
"Why do you..." Yamada was about to go away again but Takaki grabs his wrist again to place him under the umbrella again.
"Just be quiet and get under here." Takaki said.
Yamada then blushed and felt his heart racing.
“Let's go... Where is your house?" Takaki asked Yamada.
"But Takaki-kun, you rode your bike to school right? Is it okay? I..." he was caught by takaki. "Here you go with your mumbling again..." Yamada couldn't do anything but just listen to Takaki and do what he says.
‘WHY IS HE BEING SO KIND? HE COULDN'T LIKE A LITTLE OLD STUMPY BOY LIKE ME...HE IS JUST MESSING WITH ME BECAUSE HE KNOWS HOW I FEEL’ Yamada couldn't stop thinking on the way to his house. He felt weird with Takaki's arm around his chest, taking him home and at the same time how Takaki was being so nice to him when just a while ago, he called him stumpy in front of Yuto.
‘MY FEELINGS !!! MY FEELINGS !!!WHERE ARE THEY POINTING TO?!’ He’s getting more confused thinking about Takaki.

The next day was a sunny bright day. It was nice and warm.
Yamada had to stay in school that day to finish some school stuff like cleaning the classroom. He was going in the classroom to pack his stuff after he finished all the work.
“Yatta! I finished taking out the trash…” Yamada exclaimed. He then felt someone staring at him.
“Huh Takaki-kun !!!!? You haven't gone home yet?" Yamada asked while getting in and saw Takaki there waiting for him while listening to some ballad music.
"I was just sleeping on the roof… I thought I'd return when you were done cleaning." The older boy said looking at Yamada who was blushing like his favorite fruit.
‘HE WAITED FOR ME!!!!’ Yamada was getting giddy but was shocked when Takaki just shouted at his face.
"Don't make a mistake ok?! It's a go-between tactics meeting." Takaki said, blushing even more than yamada. He turned his back so that Yamada wouldn't see his blushing face. Yamada just got disappointed and looked down. ‘THAT'S RIGHT. HE DOESN’T LIKE ME.’ He thought. When Takaki turned around, he saw Yamada's disappointing face.
"Don't seem so disappointed. It's ok because i know yuto-kun already went home but..." Takaki got cut when Yamada just yelled "You're wrong!!" Yamada then covered his mouth with his hand. ‘YOU’RE WRONGG BECAUSE THE PERSON WHO I WANT TO BE WITH RIGHT NOW ISN'T NAKAJIMA-KUN ......WHAT IS THIS SAD FEELINGS OF LOVE ? IT'S THE FIRST ....I" He thought deeply.
“Takaki-kun...I ...Will you stop being my go-between?" Yamada finally told Takaki.
“ need to..that is…" Yamada couldn’t say what he wanted to say.
“Need to what?!" Takaki was just too furious "Be friends with Yuto by yourself?!"
Yamada was shocked. "EH?!" He was grabbed and pushed to the wall by Takaki.
"I'm sorry but i'm not through playing with you yet. “ Takaki said as he kissed Yamada fully on the lips. It was a deep kiss that made Yamada gasp and moan. ‘PLAY WITH ME? WAS IT REALLY JUST LIKE THAT?’ Yamada asked himself
Takaki was just kissing him all over his neck and nipples and *...* yamada was feeling the hotness in his body and the warmth of Takaki's body.
‘I-I CAN'T RESIST HIM’ He was thinking so hard when Takaki suddenly spoke up.
“Is it ok that you’re not even resisting a bit?" He continued kissing the boy.
Yamada just felt his body responding to Takaki's wishes. He could never resist him.
The two of them just kept making out and feeling each other’s body and breaths. Takaki just looked in Yamada's eyes as if he wanted to f*** him but he couldn't. He didn't want to hurt him more. Yamada knew what Takaki was thinking just by looking at his face expression.
"It-it's ...okay." Yamada gave Takaki permission to do what he wanted while looking down cause he was feeling embarrassed. Takaki stood up and shouted."Liar! Then try saying you like me.” The older boy was angry yet blushing cause he didn't expect Yamada's reaction.
"I...Like…Takaki-kun…" The younger boy said feeling his face getting warmer and redder.
" STOOOOOOOP .....JUST STOP." Takaki yelled. "Idiot!! What are you saying now?"
He got close to the boy again."You really are an idiot… And I'm even a bigger idiot than you." He said then and left the classroom though before completely going out, he turned around and said “Just like you wanted… I'm done being your go-between. I won’t come close to you anymore..." Takaki just sighed and left Yamada. Yamada tried to stop him by calling his name.
"Takaki-kun ...waiit...." Takaki stopped for a moment to turn around and to look at yamada.
"I don't want to be anymore miserable than this." The older boy said taking his final leave. Yamada was left there alone crying to himself.
"Takaki-kun!!! .....WHY IS HE MAD? WH-WHY...? " Yamada was hurt and crying not knowing why the older boy was mad at him. Takaki, on the other hand, just felt guilty. He wanted to go back and hug Yamada but he felt like it was just a big lie.
How could Yamada love him while all he was doing was hurt him.
‘DAMM… I’M THE WORST.’ Takaki thought, hitting an empty coca-cola can.

Two days had passed since the incident and both Takaki and Yamada haven’t spoken to a word to each other. Yamada tried to speak to Takaki many times but the other boy just avoided him.

Takaki and Yuto were walking in school hall and talking about Yuto's last date.
"Keito was so handsome when I saw him yesterday! He changed his hairstyle!"
Takaki didn't hear the rest of the conversation though. He was thinking about Yamada. How much he missed him and wanted to talk to him.
"Yuya ? Were you listening to me?" Yuto asked his friend.
"Yeah, of course I was." He answered.
Yuto was looking at Takaki's expresion with concern. "What's up with you? You don't look so good…"
“I'm fine really." Takaki forced out a smile.
Yuto then looked outside the hall windows, seeing Yamada who was trying to touch the school emblem again.
"Yuya, isn't that yamada-kun?!" Yuto pointed Takaki to where Yamada is.
The other boy was shocked to see him there again.
"He’s there again!!!? " Takaki ran to yamada annoyed, not hearing Yuto calling out to him.
"What are you doing there again?! Stop!!" Takaki shouted. He was scared that Yamada might fall out from the tree."
“No!!! But I don't know what to do... I LIKE TAKAKI-KUN... I LOVE YOU!" Yamada yelled and cried at the same time. He didn't know what to do anymore. On the other hand Takaki's heart was skipping beats. He then felt his heart go out from his chest when Yamada slipped and almost fell from the tree.
"Baaaaaaaaaka!!! Hang on tight!" Takaki said as he climbed the tree to reach yamada's hand. As he reached him, he hugged him so tight. Then he was gonna pull him down already but was stopped by Yamada who was still crying.
"No… If I don’t touch the symbol, then..." He was cut by Takaki.
"Sorry but I went too far…" Takaki said as he reached for the symbol and touched it cause he was much taller than the younger boy.
"I LIKE YAMADA RYOSUKE!" He said while touching the symbol.
Yamada became the happiest person on Earth, seeing what Takaki had just done. He couldn’t believe what was really happening and was thinking if it was just a dream or not. If it was, he wished the dream would just continue forever.
"You don't need these useless legends. You just have to ask... Because I like Ryo-chan.” Takaki smiled at Yamada and leaned for a kiss. It was quick but sweet.
"Re-really?" Yamada asked Takaki, feeling embarrassed.
"I don't just kiss people I don’t love you know... So from now on only look at me." Takaki told Yamada, kissing him a deep, passionate and long kiss, making this their third.



Comments are and will be appreciated by kyoko-chan!

fangirling: credits to owner, fangirling: fanfiction, fangirling: takayama otp

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