Wow its been like 7 weeks since I last wrote here. I've always been rubbish at keeping diaries and things XD but I'm going to try my best even though my entries arent really worth reading but oh well lol.
A few weeks ago I got my very first BL game yay!! Miracle Noton Negai wo Buchikonde! :). I completed it in a few days its so good ^^ I did play it before and wrote about it in my previous entry but its so much better actually owning the game ^^. It also came with a drama cd where Noton 'lost his memory' and couldnt remember Akira so Akira trys to make him remember by doing stuff they usually do together like play games and have smex XD but Noton still cant remember so Akira gets upset and then Noton says that it was an April fool prank and Akira is so relieved that he crys again and then they have smex and that bascially it oh and of course Akira hits Noton at the end like always lol.I listened to the other day. OMG!! I was nearly crying when Akira started crying because it just so sad that Noton couldnt remember him but at least it was just a prank ^^. Well here's some random pics :)
Last Wednesday I had my first NAB for psychology I'll find out tommorrow if I passed it or not Ii dont think I have because I dont think I wrote enough for the first question. It was on stress, everyone in my class wanted to do the one on memory but it was just down to fate because we got to pick either the orange envelope or the brown one so everyone went for the orange one and it turned out that one had stress in it. I had studied both but just before we started I got really nervous and I never get nervous at NABs. I probably was like that because I actually tryed for once and did alot of studying. I also had my biology NAB last Thursday but I wasnt bothered about that as I had already passed that NAB at school (because I did biology before but failed the exam). I still had to do the NAB just for revision and I actually passed it for a second time I got 33 out of 40 and that was with hardy any studying lol.
Oh its christmas in like 4 weeks already gave my mum my x-mas list which consisted mostly of Miracle Noton. Of course there was questions from my mum because on HMV, well for some things it asked if you were over 18 but on one of the Miracle Noton books it says 'boys love (manga themed on homosexuality)' and I thought she was fine with me liking that sort of thing after Junjou but I dont think she really is I think she is just having to try and accept it. She also asked me what it was and I said a game and then came the question what sort of game and I was like um you have to pick choices and she said like the sims XD and I was yes and then said no really quietly so I dont really know what she thinks now.
Oh yeah I also changed my layout a few weeks ago I dont know if anyone saw it I 'm still not to sure about the background pic .