Employment Inquiry

Oct 20, 2009 14:56

To whom it may concern,

Hire my lazy ass and I'll give your daughter head.

No but seriously, I need a fuckin job.  I just got out of an interview for a video production company (hell fuckin yeah) but then I found out it was contracted deposition videography work, 4 hours a day, 15 an hour.  FUCK THAT SHIT.  I deserve a creative video production job.

So I came home.  And emailed my resume to 20 different video production companies in Dallas.  Let's see what comes from that.  I've spoken to a lot of video professionals lately who are saying that the Dallas video industry is flooded.  Ever since the beginning of the millinium, Dallas has grown in leaps and bounds in film and video, so lately there's been too many fuckheads like me looking for their spot in this city.

And I don't even own my own equipment.

It's like playing musical chairs with people who all brought their own chairs.  And have been playing musical chairs for the past 20-30 years while I just started.

I didn't get the memo.

Fuckit.  Worst case scenario I'll start stripping again and see where it goes from there.

Oh, Aly, are you in trouble or something?  Pick up your goddamn phone.

Adios, internets.
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