Wish You Were Here....

Jul 14, 2009 23:29

"We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl....year after year..."

Been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd lately.  I'm not really sure why.  Maybe I'm finding comfort in the lucid imagery, the classic sound, and the acid-tripesque indefinable qualities about their songs.

I don't need to know the reasons, I just need to keep listening.

Let me fill you in on what's been going on so far.  Abridged version.

I was born into a heavily Christian home, raised with Christian ideals and homeschooled.  I started going to a community college at 16, got my first job at 17 at a shithole called U Edit Video, and started experiencing life around that time.  I met this chick named Satinder at almost 18, yes Satinder, at 17.  Moved up to Denton with her (seperate places) when I was 19, found out she was an illegal immigrant shortly after.  I sacrificed my education and my set-in-stone future to go up to New York, where she went into hiding, and bring her back to live with me.

That's where things got a little messy.

She cheated on me.  Ok, that might be an understatement.  She was a whore.  ....let me rephrase.

She fucked 6 other guys before I kicked her ass to the curb.  She was my first true love and that possibly fucked me up for life.  But that's ok.

Let's see....went from girl to girl after that.  Finally met this girl named Alex who was great, lots of fun....yes, Aly, she listened to ONE Kelly Clarkson song.  Yeah, that didn't work out.

So now I'm just letting life take the controls of the love side of things for awhile, in the meantime I get to focus on my career.

That about sums it up.  For a window into my soul during all these years: www.xanga.com/singlesville

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