Mar 27, 2009 00:30
Now, don't get me wrong, I know I can be an asshole. Hell, its why you love me right?
But I have finally come to the realization within these last few years, being placed into so many different places in life, when it all comes down to it, I actually love most people. Ugh, I just threw up a little bit.
It must be some by product of getting older or the forcible inclusion college had over the years but yesterday when my friend Sean sat by me and began spouting off his usual 'I hate these midtown suits!' rant that I used to love to scream along with, to myself, I secretly whispered, "oh grow up." I think about what people will think of me in a few years, albeit my "upcoming WILD success", that at some point I will have to make amends with these friends of mine. I don't see myself worlds apart from the suits anymore but maybe just a few countries away. Is it awful? Is the beginning of the end? Who knows, but in the end I'd rather be the person who can walk into any room and be ok than the one comfortable in only a few places.