So, freshman year of college is over. Forever, lol. Now usually when a year is over, I look back and remember all the good things and treasure that year. Like in high school and such. Well, with this year, what really stood out was being depressed most of the time.
I mean, I guess I was like holding on to high school too much, which is really wierd, cuz most people couldn't wait to get out. Me too, but I still loveddd it. So I came into freshman year with all these goals and expectations, and then it didn't really turn out like I had hoped, so I got really bummed. I guess I'm just spoiled, lol, so when things don't turn out the way I want them to, I'm like, really stubborn and can't just accept it. So most of the time I just bummed around and wasted my time and towards the end of the year, alienated my friends. I don't know why. I guess I wasn't really prepared for all the change. Anyways, next year will be tons better, now that I'm like not a newcomer, and actually know what to expect. And next year I will study tons more and harder, and get wayyy good grades, and have lots of fun and not be such a boring person!!! Although when I'm really tired, I reaaaaalllllyyyy don't like it when people repeatedly bug me to do something when I don't want to do it. Or really any time.
So anyways, I'm already excited for moving in day and seeing everyone again and going around visiting. Although it will be so hard, with everyone in different buildings. Not to worry, we'll come visit everyday!!! Also can't wait to hang out in our suite and have TONSSS of fun! I love all my friends, even though I really don't act like it sometimes
Fun memories from this year:
Chicken and Rice!!! yummmmmmmmmm
Going to the city
Becoming well-acquainted with public transportation
Being a Raaz groupie
TV nights!!
Talking in accents
Being obsessed with Russell peters
Late night girl talks
Simpsons night!
Going to the gym, or at least planning to hehe
Java city yummmm
Marillac yummm
Hanging out in Monty's, but not so yummmm (lolz)
Getting some very close friends
Drunk visits!!
and regular visits lol
hanging out with the 5:28 crew
Broadway shows!!! (more to crash next year of course)
the jello gods
always racing to get the song first at Mass
If I remember some more I'll add them. peaceee