I've been so busy recently that I've wondered more than once if maybe I'm trying to do too much at once. But mostly, once I start breathing and take things one task at a time, it's been manageable. I've started taking my web design much more seriously (
http://www.FunnelsWebDesign.com is pretty much done now), which has involved me trying to update my older sites. Since learning PHP's "include" command, I've made it a priority to redo my old sites with this command; so that, when someone says "Oh, can you add another button?", it's not such a big frakking deal. I've also got two paying web design jobs at the moment (one I've had for a while that's been indefinitely on hold and is going to start up again "soon"), so that's pretty awesome. And I'm taking my first online class ever, Cultural Geography, and remembering that textbook reading takes a lot longer than normal reading. (The first assignment was to read 41 pages in the textbook. I figured it'd take me an hour, tops. It took me almost 3.) I'm also a bit flustered as to how online classes actually work: I have no idea where I'm supposed to go to "discuss" things with the Prof, for example... I'm hoping this will become clear soon, as I haven't been able to figure it out on my own. And I'm still doing OT for my wrist. This, actually, has gotten very discouraging. I have not made any gains in extension (up) for over 2 weeks now. Part of it is that I haven't been as diligent about the OT as I was before (due to general busy-ness), but I don't think that can account for all of it... As before I was stuck in a splint most of the time and not moving it as much in general. So, discouraged. Also discouraging is my apparent inability to lose weight. I'm trying to exercise more (goal is pool 30 minutes twice a week, and belly dancing 30 minutes three times a week), but I still haven't managed to lose even the 2 pounds I gained from Prednisone.
And speaking of belly dancing, I need to try to stop sweating and get ready for my massage at 4.