Jan 26, 2008 15:33
I've been dangerously anxious the last couple of days. I have very little patience and have been prone to doing things like organizing cookbooks, or pulling everything out of cabinets, etc. Things that are not really good for me to do in a physical capacity. I've also been very snappy with Rob and irritable with Sugar. I've found it nearly impossible to not pick my skin all the time; this has also manifested in me picking at Sugar's claws, which she will tolerate for a little while but is entirely unfair to her.
I am currently only on 10 mg of Prednisone a day. I finish the course on Monday. What has me so vexed is this started after I dropped from 20 mg to 10 mg; so I am worried this might not be caused by the prednisone at all.
I am finding it hard to just sit and breathe.