Here's the (very short) list of what I can "eat". Technically, I can eat whatever I want, but this is the list of what I can ingest that don't make my symptoms worse. You'll see why I've been putting quotes around the word eat when you read the list...
- Ensure nutrition shakes (vanilla and butter pecan): These have been absolutely essential to me. Before the idea came to me, I was so weak that I was starting to have trouble walking. I wasn't absorbing anything from solid foods, or, at least, nowhere near enough. Drinking these have literally revitalized me. I depend on them now for getting calories and nutrition. Everything else is just to make my stomach feel full and less hungry.
- Instant oatmeal with sugar and cinnamon (no milk) ETA Sunday: no longer safe
- Chicken broth with small pasta pieces
- Jello
And that's the list. Some items I've tried that are not on the list because of the negative effects they caused: saltine crackers, white rice, eggs, butternut squash, and chocolate Ensure (which apparently has real chocolate in it).
I do miss eating real food, but the price is currently way too high. At least by sticking to this diet, I'm not spending all day in the bathroom, my legs don't feel cold and feeble all the time, and I have real energy. It's worth it.
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