"The New Jim Crow"

Apr 13, 2012 16:47

Every American should read "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander, especially if you honestly believe that black men make up the majority of our prisoners because they commit more crimes. Here are some quotes that I found particularly shocking:

"Practically overnight the budgets of federal law enforcement agencies soared. Between 1980 and 1984, FBI antidrug funding increased from $8 million to $95 million... By contrast, funding for agencies responsible for drug treatment, prevention, and education was dramatically reduced."
pg. 49

"Drug offenses alone account for two-thirds of the rise in federal inmate population and more than half of the rise in state prisoners between 1985 and 2000."
pg. 59

"Human Rights Watch reported in 2000 that, in seven states, African Americans constitute 80 to 90 percent of all drug offenders sent to prison. In at least fifteen states, blacks are admitted to prison on drug charges at a rate from twenty to fifty-seven times greater than that of white men."
pg. 96

racism, marijuana, human rights

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