Jul 24, 2005 22:09
i never know what is going to happen on days like today i thoght i would be able to hang out with a few friends but when i get to there area adn they say stuff like we will be home around 6 or 7 and i got there at like 6:30 and i call and no answer oh well so i drive around call my other friends like dayna dan but no answer for them so i go to my old farmer jack got somthing to drink there were some what busy so i left then i went home and everyone starts to call me when i just get inside my house but im not going to answer cus i would want to go anther 45 mins just to hang out with them for only like 2 hours so i didn't answer my phone now im here felt really bored so im finally writing on here lol well this is my life and it is not getting better fun right. well i have been thinking a lot about moving to las vegas and work at a hotel there and try to work my self up the ladder so i would run one when im older u know that sound like what i would love to do well that what i want to do does that sound good people