Dec 23, 2008 10:25
1. Today my car spun out on some ice and I ended up sideways across two lanes of traffic. There was a minute or so of panic where I couldn't find the flasher button (fun fact: it's the hugeass button in the top center), and then I realized that maybe I should just back up, get straight, and keep going instead of sitting there like a moron. And then I did. The end. The moral is: ice is stupid.
2. We received a letter at work for some lady who lives in lovely Jupiter, Florida. It was from the I'm-sure-equally-as-lovely Arlington, Washington. Yeah, I dunno either. I put a sticky on it that said "not even close, guys" and dropped it back in the mail.
3. My coworker informs me that yesterday they held the dreidel (firefox does not recognize that as a word btw) world championships, and that someone almost beat the dreidel spinning world record of 17.06 seconds. You know, in case it ever comes up at a cocktail party, he informed me, you can impress people with your knowledge of the world's longest-ever dreidel spin. Always thinking of others, that guy.
working on the railroad