Woke up this morning, after having what only can be desribed as a 'strange' dream :|
Although that were over 6 hours ago, I promised i'd scribble down what I could remember of it on here, for Gem, so here goes (in bullet-point form, at least)...
+ Seemed to be on some sort of 'holiday' - Feck' knows where!
+ Included moi, Gem ...and Gem's 'rents - Fred and Debs - but no sign of Chloe o.O
+ Set in a strange looking/feeling kinda' hotel, almost like a sterotypical american style one you'd see in films and stuff...
Googled around, and this one appeared, which - aside from only having 2 - 2 1/2 floors (dream one had "3") - is VERY spookily close to how the actual 'hotel' seemed to look like... strangely enough, it's a haunted house (albeit it looks like it could be connected to the church in some way), over in the land of the fergotten brit-cons, apparently... hosted by the kind dude known as 'peter', but anyways...)
Just looking at the pic, it seems to be the run of three slot-like windows on the right of the picture, just below the singular window, and on the mid-point of the right point, that I seem most drawn to - almost as THAT were the room which were in my dream ...why, I don't know... but meh :|
+ Had three floors (ground, 1st and 2nd) to the hotel (which seems - from what I can remember - to be a key part of the 'dream'...)
+ Gem's parents seemed to be living on one level, and were never found anywhere else but this floor (2nd)
+ Myself and Gem were - amazingly enough - located on the floor below, on 1st floor... where I (in me dream this is) would NOT go alone, no matter what... room also seemed to be very VERY small (so much so that it were literally a small (almost kid's sized) bed, two small steps from the doorway - which curiously enough had no door to speak of, on it - up to the bed (almost like a mini-mini-bunk bed)), and then led directly out onto a landing that were no wider than about a foot from doorway to edge, before a HUGE gap infront, with no stairs reachable from it, and a whole floor or so drop down (most likely resulting in coffin status...) from there...
+ There were also a man dressed in a black suit, with grey/white hair, old stone-faced, who kept appearing on the landing/stairs between the ground and first floor, and saying "You are advised to stay away from the first floor" - before it flicked to a body of a person dropping down in front of him - from above (first floor) - and hitting the ground below... before he contiuned to say "Please - avoid the first floor" he then just *dissapears*...
+ I also remember that during all of this - which seems to of gone in some sort of loop over and over - that I felt half-awake, and in the state where you're niether awake enough to move, but still awake enough to feel as if you've got sleep paralysis... which just made the whole thing seem that all the more real :|
I wish I could remember more of it now I think about it... but i'm just wondering why it were set in an old mansion/hotel style location, why there were no banisters, why the first floor, why me, gem and her parents, and why on 'holiday', with an almost surreal - as if it were 'normal' - old man, telling just ME to avoid the first floor... oh, and nobody else ever saw the old man telling ME to avoid the first floor, just me...
I really shouldn't probably drink so much coke/cofee before bedtime, huh! -'_'-