A meme...for SCIENCE!

May 08, 2007 09:22

A friend of mine put together a new research study and asked friends to post the details. Here's what she says:

I've put together a new research study and I've been curious for a while about the potential of online meme-spreading for subject recruitment. So, killing two birds with one stone, I'm posting the study here, in hopes that you all will pass it along.

The details:

# The study URL is: http://www.homeport.org/~kcat/study3/
# It takes about 15 minutes. You listen to 8 short clips and answer questions about how the people sound. It is easily as fun as a quiz.
# For participating, instead of finding out what muppet tarot card you are, you can choose between being entered into a drawing with a 1 in 10 chance at a $30 iTunes gift certificate, or having $5 donated to Doctors without Borders.

it's fun! go do it!
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