Listen Maggie. I tried doing your meme. I really did. You gave me the letter W. You trusted me with it. But I was all the way through the fourth item and I did something that accidentally deleted my entire entry. Now, LJ does have that nifty little Autosave feature, and I could've used that to get the entry back. But to be completely honest, I just can't be bothered to put together a list of ten things I loved that start with a "W". The truth is, there aren't that many. I got to item 4 and I was already grasping at straws. So far I had "Waits, Tom", "Who, The", "Wilco" and was in the middle of writing a short explanation about why I loved wirehangers. I think the letter "W" is dumb. There aren't many things I like that start with it. I'm sorry. I have failed you.
Yeah, I could've written six more items. Sure, I could've painstakingly explained why I think Watermelons are awesome. But I think that would've gone against the very spirit of what makes Livejournal memes great; total, ridiculously gratuitous honesty towards strangers you're most likely never going to meet.
Instead, I'll leave you with this video I found that made me uncontainably happy.
Click to view
Yes, that is Stephen Colbert singing "What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding?" with a star-studded cast. And yes, that is Elvis Costello wearing a bear suit.
All is at peace with the world.