A series of meaningless movement.

Jul 01, 2008 19:05

Beady little eyes staring up at me from her desk. She squints them and releases, strangling those few sparse seconds. I'm not gonna see them again. At least not in this context. Probably for the best. I would've fucked it up eventually.

How am I? I'm good, but I'm tired. I'm tired of forwarding job descriptions, conference calls, ink smudges. Handing in assignments, manilla envelope life, paper-and-pen existence. People getting fired around me, falling like flies. Collared shirt. DVD disk. Registration, late fees, public transport. It all becomes a thundering cacophony at some point, or an ergonomic jail cell.

I broke my toilet. It broke in true Jorge Farah fashion. That is to say in the weirdest, least probable and most farfetched way possible (can of shaving cream slips from my soapy hands and into the air-- as I frantically try to grab it, I inadvertently hit it with my open palm and send it shooting down into the open toilet, smashing the inner porcelain into pieces). I had to walk under the pouring rain to find a toilet store. There aren't many. But toilets are cheaper than I thought. Installation was a bitch.

Found an awesome used music store about five blocks from my house. Found some awesome little gems. Recent acquisitions: Tom Waits- "Big Time" (finally!), Blonde Redhead- "Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons", one of the countless reissues of the first Elvis Costello album, the first Reindeer Section album and a Spiritualized record. I also bought a Death Cab for Cutie record for Matias because it's his birthday and they seem like a band he'd enjoy.

Went to see the Germany vs Spain match at Mike the German's the other day. I'm not much of an eurocup (or an anythingcup) aficionado, but there's something exciting about a final. Especially when you're sitting there watching it with a good group of friends, some pizza and beer, not to mention someone who is actually from one of the countries that is playing. Of course, Germany lost, but that didn't stop the day from being good fun. I took my guitar and we played some songs. It was nice.

It was an interesting reminder of the 2006 World Cup, which I followed from Seba's hostel. The Argentina vs Germany game was what put the final dent in me and Maia's friendship, which, if you think about it, is an incredibly stupid trigger for the end of a friendship. I was rooting for Argentina, she was rooting for Germany (me having just moved to Argentina and her having been in Germany for well over a year at that point). I made a post about it here and it became an almost flame war, and that was the end of that. Pretty soon we had blocked each other from MSN. We never spoke after that.

Our friendship had been tumultuous at best. We had fought a couple times before. All of them my fault. There was something strange about our relationship. She brought out a very particular brand of cruelty in me-- a side of me I don't think I had exposed to anyone before or since. It probably had to do with the level of innocence I attributed to her. Often times she acted like she viewed everything through a small child's eyes, commenting on the cuteness or innocence of things. It annoyed the hell out of me. I needed to wreck her down one way or another. Yeah. I was very mature.

It's a shame I was such a dick to her. She's one of the smartest and genuinely nicest people I've ever met. It was a breath of fresh air, at times, to have her eternal optimism shining through the jaded apathy of a high school hall. She did me a world of favors back then, and helped me through a series of horrible funks. I wish I hadn't been such an asshole.

But you gotta have some regrets, right?

examples of how i am an asshole, music, friends

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