Oct 31, 2007 21:33
So I should elaborate on what happened last saturday, yeah? The 60 bus usually runs lands late, and for some bizarre reason they come in threes. Don't ask me why, they just do. And it'll be forty fucking minutes 'til another three buses come along, which kind of defeats the purpose of having three buses in the first place, doesn't it? I mean, two of them are two thirds empty all the time. Anyway, while I was walking to the bus stop, I saw one bus go by, then another... and since I was in something of a hurry, I ran to get there before the third one went by. Luckily I did get there in time and called it on. Not so luckily for me, the bus driver was a complete fucking idiot who didn't actually stopped for me to get on, but just kind of slowed down a little bit.
Well, he didn't slow down enough.
As I started to climb up I lost my balance due to the bus' movement and slipped-- except I was still holding on to the rail-thing on the bus door. So it effectively dragged me through the street for a few feet before I finally came to my senses and let it go, at which point I fell hard on the pavement, bounced and ended up facing upwards. Mind you, this was in the middle of Recoleta on a saturday afternoon-- lots of people around. It was all a few seconds of confusion and all of a sudden I'm surrounded by people helping me up and asking if I'm okay. I am. Just bruised my arm a bit, and in even more of a hurry now-- the bus driver had gotten in some sort of fight with a lady who kept yelling at him about how he could've killed me.
I was in too much of a hurry to really care, so I got into a cab and left, chuckling at the hilarity of the situation.
Other than that... not much else going on, really. We recently shot, edited and screened (yes, it was that quick) a little short film for school. The process was fun enough-- I had never REALLY acted before-- but seeing your face plastered on the big screen is one of the most harrowing experiences I've ever been subjected to. And while my performance and comedic timing was met with cheers and hearty laughter, this only made it all the more clear to me that I belong behind, and not in front of, the camera.
I'm updating for work. It's 9:50 and I'm about to close up. Being the last person to leave the office is depressing as fuck. Also depressing, Halloween is pretty non-existent in Buenos Aires, but fuck it, I'm going to a Halloween party on Saturday with a bunch of Depeche Mode-listening freaks.
I hope you have a happy trick-or-treating. Or, you know. Whatever.
i am dumb,