random rumbling when i should be sleeping!

Jul 22, 2009 01:14

hey people,

thought i'd write a blog entry tonight cause i can't seem to sleep. well, life in canberra has been okay. to those of you who haven't been to canberra, it's like melbourne.... NOT! it's a pretty laid back *coughboringcough* place. :( i'm feeling pretty home sick and can't wait to move back to melbourne!

it's funny how much you appreciate and miss minor things when they're not there. *sigh* oh well! i also wanted to say that work has been AWESOME! i've had my first work trip recently and it was to sunny townsville. it's funny cause on the way up to townsville, there was like torrential downfall all along the coast and became hot+sunny suddenly! townsville is definitely an awesome place to visit and stay a few nights if you haven't been *nods figuratively* lol

apart from work, i've been playing mixed netball with my workmates and it's totally changed my perception of the sport. people who say netball is a non-contact sport is dreeeeaming man, it's like one of the roughest sports you could play! it's pretty frustrating getting beat by girls who are half a meter shorter than me, not to mention crushing my ego -_-;;.

hm... ran outta things to say now, so i will move onto my physical features. I have a big nose. I have big feet. I'm gaining weigh. I have a big nose. :O)

YEAH! period. :)
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