my first english assignment: "I am from" exercise

Jun 26, 2007 22:12

I am from Old Florida.
Where DeSoto first landed and where mangroves line canals.
I come from bayliners cruising on the salt water.

I am from smiling faces,
From walks on the beach.
Volleyball games played everyday there.
I’m from the soft sand you sink into,
From flip flops worn everyday no matter what the weather is.

I am from a house that’s just north of the circus capital of the world,
Filled with New Jersey accents and New York attitude.
I am from a city where the old go to die,
While listening to soft guitar sounds and watching the purple and red sunsets.

I am from sweet kisses hello and long hug good byes.
Where weekly movie nights are never skipped,
And every holiday is a full house of relatives.

I am from Everything happens for a reason,
And from If it’s meant to be, it will be.


so i like my writing/english class. it's pretty cool. not so cool is having to do work and live all alone in some weird city for 6 weeks. but i'll deal. it's still hard. and people are starting to get the first wave of real home's rough.

monica shall prevail...she hopes...
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