New Mary pics AND vids!

Mar 07, 2009 13:12

Hey all,

So i posted those (except the vids) on my facebook and people commented heaps(okay so my friends decided to crash my haircut pictures album and talked there literally all freaking night until 4 am, but that's okay, that made me laugh this morning when i woke up to who dominates who and a little note to me about sexual objects lmaooo)

Anyway, so as promised to my darlings, here are some pictures and vids, so feel free to comment, because i love comments. They are love!

FIRST of all i wanna talk about my twilight crazyness. When i get crazy about something, i just wanna let you all know, that im going crazy alllllll the way! It's like.. INTENSE! So i got intense of course! Before i go on with my pics, i just wanna let you know that im not done reading the fourth book, so please please, no spoilers, cause i HATE them! thanks!!!!

If there are french readers here, im sure there are.. Please read the books in english, cause french ones suck! BADLY!

My fave book has to be.. geez... to be honest i LOVE the third one - eclipse - for the way the two guys were with each other. Perfect. But the second one - new moon - hit fucking close to home, i cried the whole freaking time, so it has a special place in my heart, the first one - twilight- is a classic now of course, and the fourth one - breaking dawn - is different.. but im not done reading it, so i can't tell you really my thoughts on  it!

Every fan needs to have the soundtrack. This CD is AWESOME! Lots of good songs, in fact i love them all. Love Spotlight, this is my song, but really flightless bird is GOOD, Never Think is awesome, Twilight Mix is great! Supermassive black hole is a GREAT song, makes me wanna buy Muse albums that my friend have been harassing me with forever now! So that's my CD at home:

And that's what im listening to in my car:

And this is my copy of the CD at work, cause it was easier to have two copies instead of bringing with me my CD everywhere i go. I listen to it all the time! See? OBSESSED!

And that's Bella's Lullaby, the version Manon found on youtube. It is just so nice that i had to share it with you

image Click to view

Makes me wanna cry... really.. so beautiful. Seriously.

OKay next! Oh yeah! my posters! i havent had a poster in my bedroom since i was like 18!!! try to figure out why at 26 i feel the need to have three! Obsession. It'll go! LMAO

MY AWESOME DOOR SIZE POSTER! I am in love with it and nobody else will make me take it off that door! LMAO

And my bella&edward poster :)

And a poster my mum bought me so i had to find  place for it :)

My desktop at home *This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist* *laughs slightly* *It does in my world*

And my desktop at work, THANKS EGGO!!!!!

NEXT PART! : Mary at work part!!!

I decided one morning to take my digi cam with me and record stuff and show you some work pics! So here they are!

Mary when she got in the car, on a cold cold morning, to get to work

The inside of Mar's car

On my way to work video number one...

This is the road to get to work. You can see the St-Lawrence river at some point. And trees.. and snow.. and more trees... and AWESOME MUSIC!

And a second video 3 minutes from my work, where there was more houses and people. and you'll see the outside of the place i work at

This is what we put up on our office door at work to make sure we stay happy all the time. I can tell you that it's not working, but oh well, we tried!

And this is my office:

And this is the view from outside my office:

And this is what we see from the other side of the the house i work in (that's the street you guys saw in the video)

THIRD PART: Dance Dance revolution!!!!!

This one is for Crys! Told you i was going to show you how good and bad i was! and at the same time this is a little preview of what it is. It's tons of fun, except i can't play as much as i want cause my belly is not healed completely and i'll get it infected if i dance tons cause i worked out a littl and it started to hurt. snif snif

But i enjoy this game mucho and i hope you'll have fun watching the vids :)

FOURTH PART: I'm a cam whore! Yes. I was in the mood to take pics of my new me. And i love to play around with my new looks, so here it is, and let me know which one you like better. old one, straight, curly, any! :)

I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :

This one is for Crys, i was feeling sexy that morning so i dressed up all sexy and nice. What do you think?

And... <3:

That's it for now, buddies!  Going tanning now, and checking for a new cell with a QWERTYYYYYYYYYYYY keyboard! :D

S2 .

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