Somehow, I'm still awake.

Sep 22, 2012 21:28

I have survived a week of extremely long work shifts! It's probably not that early a wake-up time for most folk, but for me, getting up every day at 6.15am is extremely wearing, especially as I'm working until 6pm. And I have another week of those early wake-ups and long days to go as my co-worker is on a cruise. At least I get a nice hefty chunk of overtime money out of it. I have to keep reminding myself of that when I'm flagging. Also I've managed to get some decent fic writing done as well, as there's I often have great swaths of free time at my desk *whistles innocently*. So many fics to write, never enough time.

The parents came for a visit today, and it was so wonderful to see them. They brought lovely gifts - a jar of homemade jam and some tomatoes and chilli peppers grown in Dad's garden. Yum. We had lunch in a nearby pub and then had a great chat back at the flat. Before they arrived I defrosted what was left of my Lemon Sugar Snap dough and baked the cookies so Mum and Dad got to taste my baking for once with their cups of tea. I'll do a post about the cookies later this week :) It's always lovely to host my parents, especially as the next time we'll see them will be Christmas when it will be a full house and utter fabulous madness. So it was nice to have them to ourselves for a short amount of time :)

work, family

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