Title: Sharing More Than One Horizon
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: G
Characters: Nikki Betancourt/Ian Edgerton
Disclaimer: I own nothing here.
Spoilers: AU for a little bit of 6x16
Summary: Ian Edgerton has made himself a place in Nikki's life. That's more than fine with her.
'Losing your touch?' 'Maybe you'll find out the next time I'm in town' )
Comments 9
Nicely done.
This is awesome, thank you. I'm always worried about getting the characters right so that meant a lot. I'm really glad you enjoyed my fic and the way I wrote them. Thanks so much for reading and for your lovely comment :)
First, I love Ian/Nikki. I have from the very first "Who the hell are you?" in 5.01 High Exposure. Second, I love that you posted to ian_nikki!! THANK YOU!!!! I hope that the numb3rs_het challenge will bring about some more Ian/Nikki fic but admittedly, some people still aren't keen on that pairing (probably because it's canon. haha.)
Third, this was delightful. So casual and in character and yet so poignant and delicious at the same time. You really captured their banter and the easy way they have with each other. Fantastic.
There was the barest exhalation behind her, a deliberate warning. Then Ian was beside her. His tie was undone as were the top buttons of his shirt. His jacket was missing and there was something about the way he walked that told Nikki he was wearing the ankle holster that chaffed. He’d gotten a glass of champagne too. Not ( ... )
I'm really glad you enjoyed this fic so much. Thanks again.
My favorite line was: "Colby and David were laughing somewhere behind them and Nikki could hear Charlie's colleagues talking - math that was starting to sound familiar." Loved it because I always loved how the math and crime fighting were blended in this show.
Also loved the sound of Colby and David laughing.
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