Oct 05, 2005 23:39
So I was thinking in the shower about uconn and what i like about here so far. I realized what has made it so bearable and actually enjoyasble for me is mostly cuz of my two awesome neighbors next door. ym first night I was really nervous cuz kaitlin was at band and i was by myself. I was scared cuz i knew kaitlin already had band friends and she was gonna be gone with them and at practice and such. My mother actually was the one to meet them first. Apparently they had an intereesting elevator conversation. So i got the nerve to talk to them and they were really nice. So its been over a month now since i have met them and they are totally awesome beyond all reason. I have known them such a small amount of time and I trust them 10 times more than 99% of my friends our age. Without the library I thought i would be totally lost on sharing my feelings and being able to work out my issues. Totally not the case. I talk to Melanie and Sarah all the time and they help me work out my issues. They are soooooo funny and make me feel better about myself. As most of you know I tend to be a little bit negative a lot of the time. Melanie told me she intends to fix this before the end of this year. Their way of fixing it was Sarah throwing a tennis ball at my head until I stopped being negative. But hey, it worked! And get this they are from Stafford! Who the hell knows where Stafford is but it must be a cool place unlike wallingford where the assholes live and breed minus the select few that I love. They actually like me for being me which is a lot to handle considering me. So i basically wrote ths entry to thank them and I am going to show them it when I am done since I told them Id be over there when I was done on the computer. THe only other reason why I manage to stay sane is that Kaitlin is my roommate. We may get on each others nerves sometimes but we know each other and we are comfortable with each other. Plus we kick ass on video games! And we have similar tastes in movies and most tv shows! YAY FOR FOOD AND SLEEP!!! There is also Brian too! I love my Brian but thats another story in itself! so I will end this with Roni's connecticut thing that i love soooo much... like roni says LAter days...
"I'm from Connecticut. Not New York, not Boston, and sure as hell not Jersey. We don't have parkways here, there are 3 major highways and as far as I'm concerned, it's 95, 91 and 84 thats it. We don't go to bars in high school. We drive 65 mph in our SUV's to go to the "packy". Not the liquor store but the package store and we make damn sure we get there before 9. We dont have stupid accents and we lock our doors only when we go to New Haven. We love nothing more than watching our Huskies own shit in March. We enjoy a good party in the woods and enjoy runnin from the cops, it's exciting. We don't get bunked, hammered, smashed, or plastered here. No no, we get cocked and we're damn proud of it. I'm from Connecticut and I fucking love this place. " Veronica Trapani aka. the coolest girl at Vandy and my # 1 Anakin/Hayden lover