Jul 05, 2005 17:48
Well it's still summer and i'm having a fucking awsome time. How about you. My car got towed about at 2:30 a.m. this morning and it sucked 'cause it cost about 101$ to get my car back all the way in BFE. Well that was a huge amount out of my account and it was my fault. After all these months in parking back there today was the day that it got towed. But at least i got my car. SO kids, words of advice, "DON'T BEHIND THE WINNEDIXIE IN 68 STREET" ok?? good. anyways i'm here at my gf's house so all of you are all loser and must die and get your children raped by santa clause whil ehe's eating his favorite bowl of cereal. Well i lost my train of thought. So i'll come back later. Later biotches.
Meikyo Shisui
Funky Frez