Hello my fine feathered friends. It's time to change up ze journal!
(image made by
____les_fab... I think)
So, as the banner says, I've decided to make this a friends-only journal now... a decision which shall rock the VERY CORE of the world around me. And by "rock the very core" I really mean "make no difference whatsoever." Of course, most everyone who reads my eljay is on my friends list anyways but that is beside the point. I'm tired of being paranoid... and I wanted an excuse to use this friends-only banner. It is beautiful, no? Too bad there is so little Ringo love in it...
So basically leave a comment if somehow you care enough to see what is going on in my incredibly exciting life. Of course, I'm waaaay too lazy to friends-lock all of my past entries so you can entertain yourself by reading those I guess. Whatever.
Thanks for humoring me in this pointlessness! Adeui!