Mar 02, 2006 03:26
it's been 4 days since meat besides fish has touched my lips... i'm actually afriad that this is going to make me GAIN weight rather than lose it because the fish/non-meaty foods here are all fried or heavily-laden with some type of sauce. ick. whatever... i'm trying.
i think this is the first ash wednesday in my life that i haven't been to a service... weird. i thought about it today. i figured my wearing of the anti-death penalty shirt today would be a good enough thing for jesus. fuck ashes on the forehead. make a real statement, people.
so today was world abolition day (hence the t-shirt) thus marking the 100 some-odd years since a society first banned the death penalty and yet another year that the US hasn't. i wore mine in honor of Robert Lee Miller, Jr., a black man from OK who was convicted of raping and killing two old woman until, after 10 years of being on death row, it was discovered with DNA evidence that he HADN'T done it but in fact some other psycho had. whoopsie. our bad, i guess.
anyway, i have to go get a colonoscopy/endoscopy. just when i was thinking my body couldn't get any worse... gah. turns out i may have something called cilia (or something) disease... meaning i would have a gluton intolerance and therefore not able to eat wheat, barley, or any kind of grain really. it means my immune system has again gone "oh, look, that's something friendly, LET'S DESTROY IT!" just like with my poor feet.
i was really depressed at first but i'm awaiting my various oscopies of fun before i jump to conclusions.
really, i'm fine. ish.
ok, well, it's fucking late and i actually should get up tomorrow. stupid classes. i'm already on break in my mind...