Of Monkeys and Mojitos

Feb 22, 2010 22:43

Hi guys! i'm back!

first, a list of all the books i read on vacation:

The Children of Men by P.D. James
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Neffenegger
The Waters and the Wild by Francesca Lia Block
Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block
and i'm now mostly done with The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers

i've enjoyed every book i read, but i somehow without meaning to read like three books in a row about children and death

i was going to start Choke by Chuck Palahnuik but had to stop, he's bitingly funny, but every book i'd read was so...DARK
*a species dying out
* ghosts and twins with selfish secrets
* changlings and children with haunted pasts
* vampires and disasters
.....i needed a change of pace, and Walter Moers is really excellent, if you're into fantasy adventure, whimsy, and enjoy made up names, places, and words, his work is something you're really going to love, i've read one of his other books before; Rumo & His Miraculous Adventures and they've both been excellent. Also, there are some super illustrations sprinkled throughout his stories, and they really add to it. I know this description sounds very..childish, and i could see this being read aloud to some sophisticated kids, but really its far too wordy for a child, its a book for adults, just...it avoids adult content for the most part, no cursing, no sex, violence...but its ADVENTURE
anyways point being, his stuff is totally worth reading

this is the first time i ever went somewhere and never really left the resort, it was also my first time going on vacation with just one person, AND more specifically with just tony, my fabulous boyfriend :D

it was a lot of fun and very relaxing, we spent a lot of time lounging around reading books, floating in the pool, and drinking mixed drinks. i feel like in some ways i wasn't really totally relaxed until it was almost time to leave. in a lot of ways, i feel like, just getting to spend 5 days just with tony was all the vacation i needed, we could have just stayed in a hotel in philly and i would have had just as much fun ^_^ THAT SAID being warm and floating in a pool for a few days was pretty great. i drank a LOT, mostly cuz i could? and, thats a lot by MY standards,maybe, five total in a day? still, it was awesome. the most fun part i think might have been getting our photos taken with a monkey, it tried to eat my hair!
you can see all my photos in the album on facebook from that link
swimming in the sea was great too...it was sunny at exactly the right time our last full day :)

honestly? my favorite part of the whole vacation was lying in bed together reading our books and watching the olympics. i am officially domesticated. <3


work today was a nice smooth reentry, a slow night and i got to do my favorite thing, which was lots of jewelry pricing and organizing. i love pawing through shiny things!

man i suck at summarizing any more.....i blame tv, it distracts me
i give up
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