
May 09, 2006 23:53

dude, i cant believe so many freaking retards (and by retards i dont mean mentally disabbled, i mean the dumbest-ass motherfucka's california has to offer) can sue for not passing the exit exam and win. that's basically like california saying that the exit exam is too hard. i mean, shit, maybe i should sue berkeley for almost failing my chem midterm because it's too hard for people that don't know beans about math. last time i checked math was a universal subject. if u suck at math, then y would u even need a high school diploma? i mean, if an employer even asks for a high school diploma, it must mean ur gonna need math, and when they figure out u cant tell perpindicular from parallel, or find the area of a damn circle, they'll prolly fire ur ass anyways. o, and if u suck ass at english, a lot of help a diploma is gonna get u. its like giving an engineer a medical degree. it's not like they're gonna be able to use it without having the skills to have gotten it in the first place.
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