i'll talk, then do surveys...
the picnic was pretty much amazing. much better than more programming... this weekend is very welcome.those surveys looked intriguing.
Your 8th grade year in Middle School is supposed to be "the worst year of your life."[and it was] Let's see how much you remember. I know for some it might be hard for you to go back that far!
Year: 2003-2004
1. Who were your best friends? Torrey, Matt, Noah, Zach. thats the top of the list i'd say
2. What sports did you play? 8th grade? nothing
3. Did you buy your lunch? nope, except for the occasional popcorn chicken
4. It's Friday night, where were you? home (saturday night would be at Noah's)
5. Were you a party animal? no
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? no
7. Ever skip school? no
8. Ever smoke? no
10. Did you get suspended/expelled? no
11. Can you sing the alma mater? hmm, i used to be able to. not anymore
12. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Courtney and Mr. Austin
13. Favorite class? history. I liked my rotation class too (music ed. with Mr. Austin was awesome)
14. What was your schools full name? Jackson Creek Middle School
15. School mascot? jaguars
16. Did you ever go to the dances? I'm trying to remember if i did that year. I think I was the cowbell player in the world's worst band... but it was free so it was cool.
17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? nah, not most of it at least
18. What do you remember most about Middle School? playing video games and doing crap with noah and matt. and all the crappy shit that happened that year. but i don't like talking about all that
19. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year? *searching* *searching* I played some good HALO. i know there was some good stuff, but i'm not remembering it that well. ow, i know! making that movie on the last days of school. I could seriously be a good director, because everything i've tried directing has been amazing. I just can't stand seeing someone else's vision for something because it'll usually suck. that movie was great, though, i signed up originally just to write. then we ran out of time and we ditched the script and went out and made it. I was writer, star, did a lot of the directing, and provided the music from my iPod for the final dance sequence. I also did my goofy walk! damn, laura is the only one on my buddies list that might have seen that, but it was outstanding. I should mention that after writing HALO, i had to leave to put stuff in the storage unit and was gone for like an hour.
20. Were you ever posted up on the 8th graders wall? No (much shorter than previous answer)
21. Did you have a job your 8th grade year? no
22. Where did you go most often for lunch? the cafeteria. we had quasi-assigned seats
23. Have you gained weight since then? not too much, no more than 15 or 20 pounds
24. What did you do after graduation? got ready for school the next day i think. our graduation was like monday night and the last day of school was, like, wednesday
25. Did you like your eighth grade year? no. still stands as the worst year of my life
i have a letter to write.... later.
A Teacher
[sometimes] I like to write alot
[ ] I like being in charge of large groups of people
[ ] I enjoy public speaking
[X] I like to dress nice everyday
[ ] Learning is my favorite thing (one of them)
[X] I like school food
Total: 2
A Doctor
[X] I like the color white
[X] I have very sloppy handwriting
[X] I like shiny things
[depends] I don't get grossed out easily
[ ] I just want to be rich when I'm older
[ ] Biology is my favorite class [subject]
Total: 4
A Superhero
[X] I love watching cartoons
[X] I've always wanted to be able to fly
[ ] Other people's lives are more important than my own
[X] I've had pajamas with a cape at one time
[ ] I'm pretty strong
[X] I have secrets no one knows
Total: 4
A Princess
[ ] I wear a tiara regularly
[ ] My family is very rich
[ ] I seem to have control over all my friends
[ ] My only enemies live in different countries
[ ] Diamonds are a girl's best friend
[ ] I've always dreamed of my prince charming
Total: 0 suprise suprise
An Astronaut
[ ] Astronomy is my favorite subject
[ ] I sit outside and watch the stars for hours
[X] I have my own telescope
[X] I always built rockets when I was younger
[X] I'm in the top 10% of my class
[no one deos] I know what makes a black hole
Total: 3
A Truck Driver
[ ] I love driving for long periods of time
[X] I like doing things on my own
[X] I can follow directions easily
[X] I know how to drive a stick
[X] I like to travel
[ ] I'm all for small beds and fast food
Total: 4
An Artist
[ ] I doodle everywhere
[ ] I have a tatoo of something I drew
[X] I know the difference between burnt and raw sienna
[ ] I know every single painting DaVinci made
[ ] I think I should have been born during the Renaissance
[ ] I have taken art classes since I was a kid
Total: 1
A Farmer
[ ] I have always liked hot weather
[ ] I love seeing plants grow
[X] I can really stretch a dollar
[ ] I know how to drive a tractor
[X] I don't mind getting dirty
[ ] I am very patient
Total: 2
[ ] you know what fasting is
[ ] you've been on a fast before
[ ] you've gone more than two days with out eating
[ ] you've purged your food before
[ ] you obsess about how many calories are in your food
[ ] you exercise more than anything else in your daily life
[ ] you have low-self esteem
[ ] you've lost alot of weight in the past year
[ ] you have persistent negative comments to say about your body shape and size
[ ] your personality has changed, or you think you're "huge" when others say that your too skinny.
Bi-Polar Disorder
[X] you can be happy one moment, and then be pissed the next
[ ] your mood is either at a very high point, or a very low point
[ ] you have sudden outbursts out of nowhere
[X] you get pissed off easily
[ ] people have asked you if you've had bi-polar before
[X] you use curse words sometimes
[ ] you are severely depressed, or it comes and goes very often
[ ] you get so depressed, that it's hard to get out of bed at times
[ ] you always seem to have tons of energy
[ ] you hardly ever sleep, or engage into things such as drugs, alcohol, or risky sex activities.
[ ] you've had/or still have suicidal thoughts, or have attempted it.
Total : 3
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
[X] you have urges to do things, to relieve a discomfort you might be feeling
[ ] you are obsessed with something that you do every single day
[X] you have anxiety or feel distressed
[ ] you feel like if you dont repeat a certain act, whatever it may be, something bad might happen to you or a loved one
[X] you can easily lose your train of thoughts
[ ] you like to make sure you're clean all the time
[X] you've thought you might have obsessive compulsive disorder before
[X] certain impulses or images come to your mind often
[X] you repeat certain acts to get whatever it is out of your mind
[X] your obsession interferes with school, work, or social life...or you always tend to feel paranoid.
[ ] you have violent behavior
[ ] you tend to have multiple personalities
[ ] you have delusional thoughts
[sometimes] you isolate yourself from being social with people
[ ] sometimes you have trouble sleeping
[ ] you sometimes have unusual sensitivity
[ ] you've had hallucinations before
[ ] you have a flat voice, lack eye contact, and a blank face expression while talking
[ ] you have difficulty with your speech, or answering questions normally
TOTAL : .5
Multiple Personality Disorder
[ ] you were abused as a child
[ ] you've been exposed to many traumatic situations
[X] your personality can change within seconds over nothing
[X] you sometimes act like youre a different person, but its only in a certain mood you get into.
[ ] you cant remember many things that have happened in your life
[ ] you some times feel like your body is not real, as if its changing in size, shape, color, ect.
[ ] you look at something and you feel like its changing in size, shape, and color to...or as if what your looking at is not even real
[ ] you can become very stressed easily.
[ ] you have forgotten bits and pieces of your childhood.
[ ] you are unable to recall personal information
[X] you feel as if youre not even here, and that youre more than one person (sometimes)
TOTAL: 3 those were a bit general questions
I am...
[ ] Happy (currently)
[ ] mixed feelings
[X] like someone
[ ] Sad
[ ] Angry
[X] A meat-eater
[ ] A vegetarian
[ ] Crying
[X] Tired
[ ] Age 1 - 12
[X] Age 13 - 19
[ ] Age 20 - 30
[ ] Age 31 - 50
[ ] Age 51 - 80
[ ] Older than 80.
Currently I'm...
[ ] Alone
[ ] With another person
[ ] with a group of people
[ ] In pajamas
[ ] Naked
[X] Dressed comfortably
[X] In my clothes from today
[ ] Listening to music
[X] Watching TV
[ ] Watching a movie
I own...
[X] A laptop
[X] A stereo
[X] mp3 player/ipod
[ ] an inflatable chair
[ ] A bean bag chair
[X] lava lamp
[ ] A black light
[X] an automobile
[X] A musical instrument
[X] A CD player
[X] A CD burner
[X] A DVD burner
[my dad does] Over 100 CDs
I have...
[X] Glasses
[ ] Contacts
[ ] Pierced ear(s)
[ ] Other piercing(s)
[ ] Tattoo(s)
[X] Scars from accidental injuries
[X] Scars from other injuries
[ ] A broken body part
I've physically met...
[ ] A celebrity
[X] A poor person
[X] A rich person
[ ] The president
[ ] Family I never knew existed
[X] Someone from another state
[X] Someone from another country
[ ] Someone EXACTLY like me in personality
[ ] Someone EXACTLY like me in looks
I have been...
[ ] Legally dead
[ ] Engaged
[ ] married
[ ] Divorced
[X] in a car crash
[ ] Arrested
[ ] Questioned by police
[ ] In a police car
I have been called...
[X] A liar
[X] Crazy
[ ] gothic
[ ] Punk
[ ] Depressed/Suicidal
[ ] Preppy
[X] Fat
[X] Hot
[ ] Anorexic
[X] Ghetto
[ ] jock
[ ] Slut
[ ] Skater
[X] Stupid
[X] Freak
[ ] Conceited
[ ] Emo
[ ] Scene
[X] Nerd
[X] Something other than these
[ ] None of the above
[ ] Suprisingly, nothing
[X] Turkey
[ ] I get confused a lot
[ ] I've tripped on air before
[X] I've tripped up the stairs before
[X] I've ran into a door before
[ ] I've pushed a door that said pull
Total: 2
[ ] I laugh randomly and its hard to stop
[ ] My friends always tell me I should be blonde or i am blonde
[ ] My friends always tell me I am slow
[ ] I say so many random things its scary
[ ] You hurt yourself at least once a day on accident.
Total: 0
[ ] Half the time you dont get your friends' jokes
[ ] 1/4 of the time you dont get your jokes
[ ] You have called somebody slow
[ ] You were looking for something and did not see it, but 10-15 minutes later after someone points it out, you realize it was right in front of your face
[ ] you forget how to say a word a lot
Total: 0
[ ] You randomly sing kiddy songs like "if you're happy and you know it" or "twinkle twinkle little star"
[ ] Your friends say you can get high off just about anything because you're so crazy.
[X] You have sat in a puddle of water before
[ ] You have been called a blonde before
[ ] You are blonde/dirty blonde
Total: 1
that waas sorta lame sauce...
did you know they show dominoes on ESPN2? it was actually pretty compelling. not as cool as the juggling before and after it