(no subject)

Nov 19, 2004 22:16

1.Who are you? Megan...aka..Megs or Meggles
2.Are you male or female? Female
3.Why are you filling this out? bored
4.Where are you from? Apopka, FL..(right outside Orlando)
5.Who do you like? everybody! :)...well..not everybody...my friends...lol...i like my friends
6.Have you ever been in love? yes
7.What nationality are you? hmm...mostly German and English...i think i have a little Scottish in me too...not sure...
8.Do you hang out with people? no...i hang out with dogs...duh! of course i hang out with ppl!
9.What do you do for fun? chill with my gal pals...hehe
10.Have you ever dreamed about someone you didn't like? i've dreamed about ppl i've seen but dont really know...kinda weird...
11.What do you do all day? some days i go to school, eat, sleep, pray, read, talk...sometimes i clean...
12.What music do you listen to? christian...country every once in a while
13.Wine or beer? neither
14.Munchkins or donuts? donuts...what in the world are munchkins?!
15.Pepsi or Coca-Cola? hmm...both


16.What is your perfect date? hmm...i guess goin out to dinner...and then taking a walk in some really pretty park and goin back to the house to watch a movie
17.With who? omg! this really cute guy down the street!!...lol..jk...my bf of course!
18.Movies or dinner? hm...that's a tuffy...i like food...and when you have dinner you can talk...so i'd prolly hafta say dinner...but i like both
19.What do you wear? um...i try to stick with clothes
20.Who do you think should ask, guy asks girl or girl asks guy? guys...but if the girl is confident enough..more power to ya sista!
21.Would you rather be dateless, or go somewhere with someone you dont like? dateless
22.Do you like when your date smells good? um...duh!...i dont want no stinky guy
23.What cologne/perfume do you like for your date to wear? hmm...i like curve and burberry
24.Are you bored? yea..would i actually be doing this for fun??
25.What are you doing right now? filling this out
26.do you like this survey? sure
27.Do you like the person who sent it to you? nobody sent it to me...i found it on my friends journal...i havent talked to her in a while..she's cool though...very sweet
29.Whats your favorite type of vacation? any vacation sounds good to me
30.How old are you? 18
31.Why are you online? because i'm bored
32.Do you like cheese? yes
32.Whats your favorite store? i have lots...express, the limited, abercrombie, american eagle, hollister, gap..and the list goes on and on...
33.Are you wearing nail polish now? clear
34.What color is it? see above
35.Do you have any piercings other than your ears? nope
36.Are you hungry? nope...just got back from dinner with my dad and my step mom
37.What words/phrases do you use and abuse? hmm..."just kidding".."what's up".."my bad"...and "booyapeaceoutdawghusherhusher"..haha
38.Are you adventurous and spontaneous? spontaneous...i guess a little adventurous
39.What color looks good on you? blue
40.What's your hair look like now? blah...it's up in a pony tail
41.What is your favorite book? hmm...i dont really have one...my favorite magazine is seventeen though
42.Do you like art? ehh..sure
42.What is your favorite painting? not that much
43.Who do you really respect? my pastor and the leaders of my church
44.Are you sick of answering questions? ehhh I'll survive


Cried during a flick : umm hello yes
Acted so stupid it was embarassing: ummm all the time!
Had an imaginary friend : not that i can remember...i was weird when i was little...but not that weird...lol
Had a crush on a teacher: not a crush...but the ISS teacher was pretty cute
Gone out in public in your pajamas: yea
Been on stage: tons
Gotten anyone`s autograph: a few ppl...i forget who though...it was when i was younger
Met anyone famous: not that i can remember
Cried so much for anyone: absolutly
Have you ever gone snorkling: yes....i went snorkling with sting rays in the caman islands...very scarey


Cried: nope
Cut your hair: definitely not
Worn a skirt: hahaha yea...always
Been mean: ooooh yea...it's um...not a good time of the month for me...lol
Been sarcastic: always
Went out of your house: um yea!..i'm not a hermit
Called someone: yup
Talked to someone you have a crush on: i wouldnt call it a crush..but yea
Missed someone: you cant even imagine
Went to the beach: nope


What are you wearing: pjs
what are you doing: i believe i've answered this before...but obviously i'm filling this out
Who are you talking to: shaun and jordan
What song are you listening to: none
Where are you: my room
Who are you with: me, myself, and i
Are you online: ummmm Im going to pretend I wasnt asked that
How are you feeling: very bored and lonely
Are you in a chatroom: nope


You want this survey to stop: dont really care
What are you waiting for: jud to call...i miss him...:(
What do you think of this survey: not too bad
Are you tired: nah...i took a nap earlier
Screen Name: S0akUpThaSun
Eye color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Natural Hair Color: blonde
Who do you love/like: Jud!<3


Place: anywhere but here
State: AL with my hunny
Country: US i guess
Store: didnt I already answer this
Person(s): Jud, Amanda, Mandy, & Denell...(if i could put all three of you girls in the same spot i would cuz i know you guys are gunna fight over who went first..lol)


Take meds you shouldnt: only on the weekends...keep it on the hush hush...lol..jk
Whine a lot: sometimes
Yell a lot: a lot of ppl say i'm a very loud person...lol
Hate a lot of people: no
Have too many friends: you can never have too many friends
Want to die: offcourse not!
Believe in life after death: in heaven and hell
Have a bf/gf: bf
Smoke: nope
Wear dark colors? yea
Try to be different: nope...but i dont try to be the same either
Break bones a lot: nope
Dye your hair: no


Short/Long Hair: depends...
Tall/Short: Very tall!!
Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: Preppy
Freckles/No Freckles: doesnt matter...not a lot though
Hair Color: i like brown..but i'm not gunna choose a guy based on his hair color
Hat/No: dont care...some guys look really hot in hats though
Fat/Thin: thin
Makeup/No Makeup: ummm no makeup
Dressy/Casual: both...depending on the occassion


You Touched: my dad
You Talked to: my dad
You Hugged: prolly mandy
You Kissed: my bf
You Instant messaged: Jordan
You Yelled At: hmm....mandy or nelly...i forget


Emotionally Stable: yes
Shy: depends who i'm around
Difficult: I can be
Attractive: I hope so
Bored Easily: absolutly
Messy: hahah yea
Thirsty: not really
Responsible: Im getting better
Obsessed: nah
Angry: no
Sad: not really
Happy: i guess
Trusting: i trust ppl too much
Talkative: depends who i'm around
Original: not really
Ignored: yea...sometimes...:(
Deep thinker: not at all
Self-disciplined: ehhh sure
Sleepy: not anymore
Lonely: yes :(


Kill: geeze..no one
Slap: hmm..well i've got a few ppl in mind...but we wont go there..lol..jk
Tickle: uh...nobody
Look Like: jessica simpson...but i guess i'm okay with me
Be Like: me!!
Talk to: him
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