the boredom has taken over my mind at the moment...

Jul 11, 2004 21:54

ABOUT YOUYour full name::jesse pepe ortega(sam knows wats up) Age::15 Height::5ft. 9 Natural hair colour::brown Eye colour::brown Number of siblings::1 sister and a half sister and half bro Glasses/contacts?::no Piercings::cant get a hold of tyler to pierce my ears Tattoos::nada Braces?::not no mo nigga FAVOURITEColour::black Band::kmk,atmosphere,b.e.n.e.f.1.t,black flag,casualties,sublime,red hot chilli peppers Song::b.e.n.e.f.1.t-proceed with caution Stuffed animal::none Video game::moto trax TV show::king of the hill Movie::super troopers Book::harry pothead and the sorcerors stoned Food::subway that leland gave me the other day Game on a cell phone::snake 2 CD cover::cd cover? Flower::idk Scent::chronic insense...they make that you know Animal::panda burrrrrrr Comic book::kiss army comics Cereal::weedies...i mean wheaties? Cartoon::idk DO YOUPlay an instrument?::ive played leland guitar once(not too good) Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?::no way Like to sing?::not alot Have a job?::nope Have a cell phone?::yes Like to play sports?::baseball Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?::no Have a crush on someone?::MARY "EVERYONES FAVORITE NIGGER" HERZOG Live somewhere NOT in the united states?::NO Have more than 5 TVs in your house?::no only3 Have any special talents/skills?::i can tag Excercise daily?::summer school p.e Like school?::im only goin throught the motions till im old enough to drop out - CAN YOUSing the alphabet backwards?::z-y-x-w-v-u-t-s-r-q-p-o-n-m-l-k-j-i-h-g-f-e-d-c-b-a oh i fucking own you nigga!!! Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?::i guess y not Speak any other languages?::no Go a day without food?::maybe maybe not Stay up for more than 24 hours?::hell ya! Read music, not just tabs?::not just to play it is hard Roll your tongue?::yessum Eat a whole pizza?::idk i guess i can HAVE YOU EVERSnuck out of the house?::no theres no need Cried to get out of trouble?::sure i who hasnt i guess Gotten lost in your city?::no cause los als such a small gay ass city Seen a shooting star?::no Been to any other countries besides the united states?::afghanistan Had a serious surgery?::no Stolen something important to someone else?::my friends dc beanie but i dont think he really gave a fuck Solved a rubiks cube?::those are so hard ya right Gone out in public in your pajamas?::ya Cried over a girl?::sorry Cried over a boy?::wtf im not gay!! Kissed a random stranger?::sorry ot say i havent Hugged a random stranger?::i think Been in a fist fight?::ya Been arrested?::no Done drugs?::yes Had alcohol?::yes Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?::no but it came out my mouth if that counts Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?::i think ya Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?::no but that would kick ass Swore at your parents?::ya Been to warped tour?::no Kicked a guy where it hurts?::no Been in love?::sorry nope Been close to love?::no where near Been to a casino?::nah Ran over an animal and killed it?::no Broken a bone?::ya Gotten stitches?::no Had a waterballoon fight in winter?::no but that would be tight Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?::no Made homemade muffins?::ya Bitten someone?::no im not that tiger girl from oak middle school Been to disneyland/disneyworld?::ya More than 5 times?::i think maybe wen i was little ya Been to niagra falls?::no Burped in someones face?::nope Gotten the chicken pox?::ya WHENS THE LAST TIME YOUBrushed your teeth::this morning Went to the bathroom::like two hours ago Saw a movie in theaters::idk Read a book::friday in summer school Had a snow day::wat is that Had a party::no Had a slumber party::no Made fun of someone::ya Tripped in front of someone::yessum Went to the grocery store::ya Got sick::yep Cursed::oh fuck ya ive cursed!!like a mother fucker too PICK ONEFruit/vegetables::fruit Black/white::WHITE!!! Lights on/lights off::on TV/movie::movie,theres no commercials Car/truck::truck Body spray/lotion::huh Cash/check::cash so i can go around town with my bling Pillows/blankets::blanket Headache/stomach ache::stomach ache Paint/charcoal::paint Chinese food/mexican food::mexicano Summer/winter::summer Snow/rain::snow Fog/misty::misty Rock/rap::underground hip and and rock Meat/vegetarian::meat Boy/girl::girlz Chocolate/vanilla::VANILLA!!! Sprinkles/icing::sprinkles Cake/pie::cake French toast/french fries::french toast Strawberries/blueberries::strawberries Ocean/swimming pool::ocean Hugs/kisses::orgies Cookies/muffins::cookies p33n/bewbz::wtf Wallet/pocket::pocket Window/door::door Emo/goth::none Pink/purple::pink Cat/dog::dog Long sleeve/short sleeve::both Pants/shorts::both Winter break/spring break::spring Spring/autumn::autumn Clouds/clear sky::clear sky Moon/mars::who cares FRIENDSHIPHow many friends do you have?::enough What are their names?::mary,aj,sammy mae,mike,sammy jo,wally,colton,allison,garrett,kylie,courtney,aj,matt,spencer,kevin,channing,amber,kyle,kyle,brandon,bekka,roxy,and much more and of course MARY Do you have a best friend?::no idk Have you ever liked one of your friends?::ya Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?::idk its even Have you ever lost a friend?::ya Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?::ya Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?::when i look at the stars at night i think of you sammy mae Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?::ya for sure Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?::idk alot i guess Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?::just been a friend
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