May 09, 2005 14:46
MILLER! i like your hair haha i think its cute. i cant believe u'd think i'd think it'd look bad....& thats quite a bit of thinking. If i can figure out how to put the pic you sent me on here i'm gonna so that everyone else can say how cute u are hahaha! Had a boring day. Failed a test TERRIBLY in Geometry i'm WAY upset about it :( i didnt even answer 1/2 the questions i just didnt get it. & i even studied! i feel like an idiot i got REALLY depressed after taking it :(. Had fun in theatre....sorta. I had to do my monologue where i'm a tour guide & tour guides speak really fast so i was, & that idiot teacher told me to speak slowly & i got mad cuz i had practiced a TON to be able to pronouciate correctly while speaking that fast. It was ok i guess tho. Had to borrow money for lunch today from Danielle, i gotta pay her back ASAP. i HATE borrowing money, & i hate paying for things. I talked to McKenzie about Miller today & sum other ppl who dont know him lol. Me & McKenzie's talk was pretty cool lol. O YEAH! this morning me & Phil drive into school & the stupid pre-approved senior prank was in sesion. they had blocked off the parking lot & teachers were out there directing traffic. can you say GAY?!?! i fact i just did... me & phil just parked in a teacher's spot & walked in hahaha while a bunch of other kids had to park off campus @ a church. They copied the prank off of that MTV show about pranks or wutever, they could have atleast been original. O! & wuts even worse? they were supposed to leave @ 8:30, but wen they tried teachers blocked it so they only missed 1st period & then came back to class hahahahaha. its sad. In Religion we played Jepordary, it was gay. i represented my team but we didnt get to answer any questions cuz Zan answered like 6 & andy got like 4 & Ally got 2 & me & Amanda were just like wtf? why dont we get to answer any? i think thast teachers kinda stupid. o well now i'm gonna go try to put Miller's picture on here hahaha