OK so have been rather lazy of late, and upon reflection i realise i cant remember wtf i actually did these last couple of days... MAybe i went on an exotic safari adventure in the junngle depths of Africa? or maybe i went on a round the world trip of disneylands? somehow i dont think so, but due to my lack of memory anything seems possible.
Okay so its all coming back to me now. Haha thats sooooo cheesy! its like a celine dion song lyric, haha how funny would it be to have to dance to that? oh wait. i did. saturday night. Doh! Haha at least i remember wat ive been up to now lol. Geez im such a loser....
haha on friday Amber-lance (not quite sure on spelling)and I had a catch up day involving watching dvd's n going to see this mad dance performance at UNSW. Hehe it also involved a rather large ammount of guys trying to pick us up in their sporty cars. hmmm... scary, esp near oxford street. maybe we looked like boys? maybe we didnt have any tops on? anyhowbies something mustve been up coz that normally doesnt happen like that. But yea fun was had by all, esp when we nearly got blown up coz then we came up with the great name amberlance teehee. A bomp!
Saturday was hell. I had to be at dancing at 8:15 in the morning. i mean wats with that? grr it was torture esp since i got no sleep the night before. evil prue was also in a shit mood and wasnt happy with any of my dances or that. Also point shoes nearly broke landing me flat on my ass and twisting my ankle... great thing to do a mere hours before a concert. But yea went home afterwards n taught myself how to cut and burn songs bcoz sombody ( couhg cough prue) was to lazy to do it herself. htanks hun. Hmmm concert also didnt go as well as id hoped. THe entire sound system was fucked and kept skipping songs n shit. My class had their song stop and start again from the beginning. They still did ok though,but i was side stage crying. It also happened to me and lauren. BUt on the plus side i became the master of quick changes. THe ammount of time i had ranged from 30 seconds to one song so i think considering the time frame i did otay. Also helped by dom n sparksey hehe u gurls rock. All kind of didnt go so smoothly but the finale almost brought me to tears again. When prue was thanking the teachers she called prue and sparksey n gave them flowers n not me! Wtf!?!?! aint i good enough all of a sudden. I wouldve been crying tears of anger if i wasnt in the middle of stage! but then she called me n lauren up n gave us flowers as "student teachers". i dont really know wats going on there because shes never called me that before. ever. who knows.
i really wanted that concert to go good, seeing as it would be my last one at that school. Also my buddies including
ambrosia84 , jesta, em n manda all came n parentals, meaning that they actually expected it to be ok. grrr i should have known that it wouldnt be ok because the sound guys were idiots and scrached all of my cds, buggered off with one of them and then had the nerve to say that he didnt have it! i put it in his fucking hand. Also i worry about chris seeing as this is the first time that she hasnt had any control over the concert, and i know its been hard for her. If it was shit i dont want her to get upset because of it. The one actual nice thing prue did was give chris roses n me n lauren said how much we appreciated her. lol lauren called her "best teacher ever" hehehe which was a direct dig at a certain teacher.
grrr okay nobody wants to hear me ranting and raving, just need to get stuff off my chest sometimes. i really should be getting some sleep. got busy week of auditions, (3 in 4 days). wish me luck all.
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