Jan 23, 2006 01:54
I’m bored as fuck. Patience has not, and probably will not, ever be a virtue of mine. I’m walking aimlessly around the house while 5 people are watching an in depth movie in the living room. I’m just waiting for it to finish and for something to happen. Although all that will more than likely happen is that they will all head to bed as it is 1:40am and they have to work tomorrow. Me, although I’ve been up since 5:30am, am still going strong (surprisingly!). Maybe it’s because, other than a 2 hour staff meeting that I must attend, this is the first night of a week and a half hiatus from the working world. I’m pumped! I have big plans, although I maybe shouldn’t since just when you think you have big plans, they fall and crumble at your feet. Then all you’re left with is a pile of ash to walk through in order to move on to the next adventure. Super-stitious!
Just a side note: My dad’s girlfriend looks at everything as an adventure. She’s fun. Very spunky. A big fan of spunk. She also looks like an older, white missy elliot. But that’s not really relevant.
I could be doing lots-like that ‘catch-up’ game those humans do...bills and such fun stuff. But alas, I have been drinking and am now bordering on drunk and bored. The worst kind. So, as all my peeps are so engrossed in the film, who’s crashes and booms are vibrating the floor at the current moment, I am left to my own devices and therefore left to ramble to me-self...And whoever else may be listening. IS anyone really listening?
Fuck. I am SO bored. i'm a gonna explode.
Next time you see me, remind me to give you 5 minutes of your life back.