Aug 19, 2010 13:38
It's been some time since I mentioned I've been doing this, but as part of my quest to finally beat ALL the mainline Final Fantasy games in order:
Final Fantasy IX and X have been beaten!
IX I beat...sheesh, when was it, a couple months ago? I absolutely loved it, the end boss was BS like FFVIII, but I loved the setting, the characters, the soundtrack (which I purchased before I was even done with the game), just everything. Once again, like VIII, the movie-like credits roll worked very well and the song was great. Rozga and I debated about who the song is about for a bit, but I think she's right, it's probably sung by the summons. The only think I really didn't like was the skill equipping feature. It'd be a great way of doing it, if the "magic jewels" would've kept up with the levels. But I constantly found myself trying to decide which half of the armload of skills I had would I leave behind for a particular boss fight. You have no idea how frustrating it is to be beating on something and suddenly it has the advantage cause you decided to go for the poisonproof skill instead of the stoneproof. Meh.
Good god that airship armada vs dragon armada scene was totally worth it though.
Last night is when I beat Final Fantasy X. What a sad ending! I was choked up for sure. I'm glad I played this AFTER going to the Distant Worlds concert, because "To Zanarkand" would've had me in tears otherwise.
I honestly can't think of anything I didn't particularly like in this game. Blitzball mainly just cause it was pointless for the most part and the AI apparently has the dumb, but aside from that everything else worked pretty well. The UI could have been better, and Kimahri, our blue kitty Dragoon/Blue Mage should NOT have had Jump as simply an overdrive, but really it's all kinda nit-picky. The story held together well, made sense (in the context of that world), the final fight was creative and DIDN'T resort to BS attacks like FFVIII and IX, and once again the music was stellar. Loved the sphere grid, liked the equipment customization....oh, the airship sucked! Yeah, there's something that didn't sit right with me. Dammit, I got an airship, let me actually buzz around and go sight seeing for crying out loud! I understand why they did it the way they did, but still was a letdown.
Okay, well with that done, I'm nearly caught up! I've already beaten FF XII, so that leaves me to return to Shinalia, my cat girl in FFXI and save Vanadiel from a couple of blond pretty boys. Good timing too since tonight is perma party there.
Now can I do it all before FFXIV comes out?
video games,
final fantasy