Aug 17, 2006 19:33
To those who have been wondering where the fuck I have been, and to those that haven't been wondering . . .well fuck you. Anyway, to those that have been wondering, I love you.
See, a recent chain of events has kept me away from the world of AIM and MSN messenger. My only real means of communications have been via Myspace or El Jay (LJ, fucktard). What has happened with me have been strange, sometimes terrible, sometimes wonderfully beautiful. Anyway, to those that care, read on, if you don't care, why the fuck are you reading this in the first place?
I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start about a week or two ago.
I went to NYC for the crazy ass Warriors Scavenger hunt with Darian and Brian. We didn't win, but we still scored some sweet vests regardless, pictures will be taken of said vest very soon when I feel better.
The weekend before that, Heather was here for four great days. I fuckin miss her goddammit. I did get to see her on Saturday night though, granted it was short, but I still got to see her regardless.
My mouth was weird though on this weekend though. I had skin on my wisdom tooth and half a tooth showing. Lovely. Anyway, it got infected, the skin that is, and it caused some pain. Monday comes, I got the fucker yanked out and stitched up. I now sport lovely stitches on my gums and not much else has past these lips food wise. Just alot of ice pops mainly.
Anxiety attacks seem to be the happening thing as of late, it's the new craze, catch it.
Other morning I had a chest pain that woke me up, I really thought it was time to say goodnight and good luck to the people of this world. No really, it was bad, but it passed and I passed out from exhaustion. Throughout the day I had dizziness, chest beating, heart palpitations, fun shit. I go to the e.r. and they tell me it was an anxiety reaction. At least it wasn't anything to nuts, I guess.
This morning I woke up to a strange feeling indeed. It felt when I exhaled that someone squeezed my lungs until they ran out of air then I was allowed to breathe again. Fuckin WEIRD. Scary to boot! But that kinda passed as time went on. Today though, my stomach has been out of whack, chest is TIGHT, mouth still bugging the fuck out of me and dizzy spells off and on.
So if you're wondering where I have been, there you go. Things this month started out really good then they just kinda went downhill. So, there you have it, a good month turned into a strange, terrible state of affairs with my general health. Go me.
Of course, people can always text me or something. Check up on the Kid and see how he is doing. Or send a sexy message on here. Whichever.
Oh, on a lighter note, I'm awaiting word on when i can work at Blockbuster again. Pay is crap, but it's more than I make now.
But yeah, I'm alive. Woo!
And Heather rules.
Sho' nuff.