Apr 23, 2006 22:05
I am just loving life
New York was awesome
Jenny was fun
And seeing the city for the first time was awesome too
I was really happy to come home though because i was a little homesick
and on firday I got to hang out with Ian for the afternoon and the rest of the night
but the next day i didn;t apush with the gang and we didn't get to go to the movies with him
but there's always next time when he's down
that night was basically awesome
I mean you probably have no idea
but it was good
The next day was eater and we had jake, fontaina, oz and all of fontaina's family over for the day
i love them
seriously you couldn;t get a nicer group of people together if you tried
and they're a family
it's amazing
i'm very glad that they've brought us into the family
That day was pretty cool too
The week thought kinda sucked
it was school and then ap review
except friday
which was a good night too
but saturday was awesome
Toga's, roller skating, and hooters
who knew that it would be awesome?
oh but it was awesome
and delc spent the night
we decided that boyfriend's are fun
and then delc stayed over for the day which was pretty cool
and then my fav came and visted me after his training thing