Sep 13, 2002 17:45
loc: california
sex: Male
AIM: h/a
eyes: blue
hair: color?
[ sex stuff ]
are you a virgin: ahhh....probally not?
has anyone ever been down your pants: que
how many times have you had sex: ....a thousand!
[ love ]
are you in love: ye
do you have a bf/gf: ye
when did you start going out: twas a fine day....many moons ago
[ friendships ]
best friends: jesus, squirely!!!
good friends: a thousand!!!
[ have you ever ]
drank: this one time with the caddilac...we were fo-shaded
smoked: nergattory
kissed the same sex: uhhh...wanna go for it.....dude...i mean...fag...don't touch my wang
kissed the opposite: uber-times
skinnydipped: not yet
broke a bone: i have one like ten...11...69!....a thouand!
failed a class: juan
thought you were gonna die: daily
killed someone: i did it
cried over a boy/girl: i dunno....probally....bitch i uber hate you!
had a death in the family: thnakfully no
ran around nude: yeah at lauras house...and my house...and mason doesn't know this.....
talked on the phone for more then 5 hours: good god i hope not...*fag*
[ status ; right now ]
wearing: homeless, dicks, cons, and ice pack...
eating: .......pepsi........
talking to: squirely
phone with: your god......
time: 5:39PM
drinking: mini-cube
listening to: nothing
[ when was the last time you... ]
smiled?: ouh my face hurts...i smashed my wookie....
laughed?: taste like burning....
cried?: auuu...broot dood dooot
bought something?: ch ch ch ch.....
danced?: was magnifico
were sarcastic?: ahhhh
kissed someone?: 35 mins ago
watched your favorite movie: jesus did sir!
had a nightmare?: when iwas sick.....elmac on fire!!!!ahhhhhh
last book you read: playboy...uhhhhahah....not really...
last movie you saw: beuno?
last song you heard: millencolin life on a plate
last thing you had to drink: .........pep.......(si)
last time you!
last thing you ate: soft
[ do you... ]
smoke?: when....never....pinche pinche
have sex?: no...i don't hump...i score!
live in the moment?: asi-asi
play an instrument?: the spear.....bra rooot doot dott....ahllllala
read the newspaper?: burn?
have any gay or lesbian friends?: nope
believe in miracles?: i broke my foot...but it wasn't magnifico
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: i think so...serious
consider yourself tolerant of others? i r patient!....yeah tharg want now!
like the taste of alcohol?: i'm stuck between ......pinche and hota...
have a favorite candy?: ahhh.....twix....2 fo mi...none fo u...donkey
believe in love?: yeah i got yo loving right here....i love laura!
pray?: *sizzle*
go to church?: fire?
have any secrets?: i'm not a puppet....i'ma reallll BOY!!!!
have any pets?: uno pero
do well in school?:! smash!
go to or plan to go to college?: not my gumdrop buttons!
have a major?: in my pants.....heheheeheh
talk to strangers who instant message you?: yeah and tell them i am's just better
wear hats?: pinche daily
have any piercings?: theirs this chain...from my.......uh.....bicycle.....heheheeh
have any tattoos?: yeah....on my wall....i have a picture
have an obsession?: tie.....laura....soda....laura...soda....ahhhh.....*shaking*
collect anything?: hats...broken bones
wish on stars?: dude evertime i do.....i forgot
like your handwriting?: when i can read it
have any bad habits?: pen chewer delux....chronic masterbation
care about looks?: to laura i do.....but everyone else can suck it