Nov 16, 2009 13:51
Was Lizzies 30th on Friday, and her place was we camped at a campsite in...DARWEN. Who knew they even had one? It was quite nice, shame the weather was blowing a gale and the rain torrential.
With the miserable wet weather and the MX5 insurance due, we decided to let it hibernate till spring/summer much as with the RX7. The MX5 is a bit lairy in the wet, and as Angie did a 180 degree spin in it, it scares her now. In it's place, we have dragged the £325 106 diesel back on the road. It can do 60MPG around town, which is just insanely good. As we're planning a VERRY long drive to the farest reaches of the Scottish Highlands we're going to need it.
We bought it for Angies son, but he gave it me back in part exchange when I sold him the 206, so it has been hanging around doing nothing. I'm hoping I won't regret it - you see, lovely little car that it is for the money, it has no power steering and being diesel is very heavy. As I have to wind my way up and up and up about 12 floors of multi-storey every day I'm starting to realise this is going to be very hard work. On the plus side it will give me arms like Pop-Eye so I suppose I should just look at it as like going to the gym :) Other pluses are that it cruises very quietly in 5th, and that on the new insurance policy I can drive anyone elses car 3rd party - I've never had that "feature" before, and it's really cool.
So we drive it into work for the first time today, sat at the lights and feel this thuuuump. What the? Look in the mirror and see a VW Polo or something has it's nose stuck in our backside. Luckily, neither car was damaged, it was very low speed, she'd probably just let her foot of the brake or something.
Reminds me, on the way back into Manchester coming onto the A580 via the slip road some couple had well and truly smashed their car up. It was facing toward us with a front end that was completely squashed and bits of it all over the road. I've come to the conclusion they went way too fast round the bend, under-steered into the crash barrier, before being flung around and backwards into the other side of the road. They were both stood, the bloke on his mobile and both of them white as sheets.
106 cars birthday diesel crash