school sucks

Nov 08, 2005 09:10

So yes, i think i decided at the right time to change majors..again. The last two tests i've taken in my accounting class have been a 56% and 57%, and my overall grade in that class right now is a 71%. I figured if i can get atleast a 50% on my last 4 tests (i have very low standards so that if i do better then i'm pleasently suprised) in there i could barely pass with a 65% (D), and i didn't include an assignments she might give us, which might be like 2 assignments worth 20 points each, so maybe i'll get a 70 if i am soooo lucky. My GPA is going to go waaaaay down this semester..i hope i don't go below a 3.0 though, not like a give a shit anymore anyways.

I really do want to take this next semester off school. It's not like i could get a full time schedule with the classes in my major that would be avaliable to me anyways. I think i really want a few months off, to make money and maybe go out on the road for a month with's a thought. I don't neeeed that much insurance, and if i do then randy said he'd just put me on his, what a nice guy.

I really hate is suppose to be an optional thing and you are suppose to go there and want to learn, and i don't want to learn. I don't know, maybe in the fall when i take classes i'll get into it and apply myself more, i just need some time off. Anyways, time for computer for dummies..we actually get to start MS excel today..we only spend 2 months on MS Word, and we are supposively going to get through excel, access, and powerpoint in the next month. This class ends December 10th so we only have a month.

Anyways, i'm out of here...bye

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